University Dashboards Definitions

Top Metrics Dashboard

Element Name: Retention and Graduation Rates
Definition: The Retention Rate is the percent of all fall first-time, degree-seeking freshmen who enrolled as an undergraduate student the following fall semester for the past five reporting fiscal years. The Graduation Rate is the percent of all fall first-time, full-time degree-seeking freshmen who received an undergraduate degree within 150% of time in accordance with the Federal Student-Right-to-Know standards (i.e., 6 years for a bachelor’s degree-seeking student and 3 years for an associate degree-seeking student) for the past five reporting fiscal years.
Notes: Does not include graduate students or students who transfer into the university.  Deceased students are removed from the graduation rate calculation.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)/End of November


Element Name: Career Outcome Rates
Definition: The outcome rates of undergraduate and graduate students who graduated for the past five reporting years. Career outcomes are the activities, or plans, that individual graduates have upon completing their degree and graduating.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Median Starting Salary
Definition: The median starting salary of undergraduate and graduate students who graduated and secured a job for the past five reporting years.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Composite Financial Index
Definition: The Composite Financial Index (CFI) is the combination of four key ratios that measure the financial health of the university: primary reserve ratio, viability ratio, net operating revenue ratio, and return on net assets ratio.  The ratio will be displayed both with and without the effects of GASB 68 and GASB 75 for each of last five fiscal years.
Data Available: End of April


Element Name: Enrollment
Definition: The number of all students enrolled in courses for each of the past five fall semesters by level (i.e., undergraduate, graduate).  Includes regular and online enrollments, as well as dual enrolled students and students enrolled in special programs (i.e., co-op, internship, study abroad, etc.).  Undergraduate students include those with freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior standing, as well as non-degree seeking undergraduate students and post-degree non-graduate students.  Graduate students include those with graduate certificate, master, and doctoral standing, as well as non-degree seeking graduate students.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Element Name: Total Endowment
Definition: Total endowment assets for each of the last five fiscal years.  Endowment assets include funds whose principal is nonexpendable and that are intended to be invested to provide earnings for institutional use.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Research Expenditures
Definition:  Research expenditures from federal, state, industrial, non-profit, foreign, and internal sources for the past five reporting fiscal years. The display includes total, external, and internal research expenditures as well as the amount of external and internal research expenditures attributed to academic areas.
Notes: Internal sources include Michigan Tech cost share, waiver of facilities & administrative costs, IRAD, research related gifts, startup, use charge indexes, A13 department general fund indexes designated for faculty research, and Research Excellence Fund (REF) projects.
Data Available: End of January


Student Dashboard

Admissions Overview

Element Name: Total by Category
Definition: The number of first-time freshmen, transfer, graduate certificate, master, and doctoral students who applied, were accepted, and enrolled for a given fall semester.  The Yield Percentage is the percent of accepted applicants that enroll each fall semester.
Notes: Students may apply for either the fall or summer semester prior, but must be enrolled in the fall to be considered as enrolled.
Data Available: Beginning of October


Element Name: Accepted and Yield Percentage by Year
Definition: The Accept Percentage is the percent of all first-time applicants that are accepted for admission to the university for a given summer/fall semester.  The Yield Percentage is the percent of all accepted applicants that enrolled in a given fall semester.
Data Available: Beginning of October


Element Name: Applied, Accepted, and Enrolled by Year
Definition: The number of first-time freshmen, transfer, graduate certificate, master, and doctoral students who applied, were accepted, and enrolled for the past five fall semesters.
Notes: Students may apply for either the fall or summer semester prior, but must be enrolled in the fall to be considered as enrolled.
Data Available: Beginning of October


Element Name: ACT and SAT Scores
Definition: The average ACT / SAT score of first-time freshmen enrolling for a given fall semester.
Notes: This metric only applies to first-time freshmen.  Average scores will not be displayed for other first-time student types (first-time transfers, graduate certificate, master, or doctoral students).
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Element Name: Incoming Freshmen High School GPA
Definition: The average high school GPA of first-time freshmen enrolling for the past five fall semesters.
Notes: This metric only applies to first-time freshmen.  Average high school GPA’s will not be displayed for other first-time student types (first-time transfers, graduate certificate, master, or doctoral students).
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Enrollment Overview

Element Name: Headcount Enrollment Trend by Level
Definition: The number of all students enrolled in courses for each of the past five fall semesters by level (i.e., undergraduate, graduate).  Includes regular and online enrollments, as well as dual enrolled students and students enrolled in special programs (i.e., co-op, internship, study abroad, etc.).  Undergraduate students include those with freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior standing, as well as non-degree seeking undergraduate students and post-degree non-graduate students.  Graduate students include those with graduate certificate, master, and doctoral standing, as well as non-degree seeking graduate students.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Element Name:  Headcount Enrollment Trend by College
Definition: The number of all students enrolled in courses for each of the past five fall semesters by college.
Notes: College is determined based on primary major only.  Interdisciplinary graduate students are assigned to the college of their primary advisor.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Demographic Overview

Element Name: Gender
Definition: The number of all students enrolled in courses for each of the past five fall semesters by gender. 
Notes:  Gender designation only includes female and male.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Element Name:  Race/Ethnicity
Definition: The number of all students enrolled in courses for each of the past five fall semesters by race/ethnicity.
Notes: Race/Ethnicity designations include American Indian/Alaskan Native, African American/Non-Hispanic, Asian/Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Hispanic American, Multiracial, White/Non-Hispanic, International, and Not Supplied.
Data Available: Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Online Learning

Element Name: On-Campus Online
Definition: The number of on-campus students taking at least one online course in a given year (summer, fall, spring) for each of the past five fall semesters.
Notes: Includes undergraduate and graduate students.
Data Available: Beginning of May


Element Name: Off-Campus Online
Definition: The number of off-campus students taking at least one online course in a given year (summer, fall, spring) for each of the past five fall semesters.
Notes: Includes undergraduate and graduate students.
Data Available: Beginning of May


Element Name: Dual Enrolled
Definition: The number of dual-enrolled students (i.e., high school students) taking at least one college level course at the university in a given year (summer, fall, spring) for each of the past five fall semesters.
Data Available: Beginning of May


Element Name: Corporate Online
Definition: The number of students enrolled in designated corporate online programs in a given year (summer, fall, spring) for each of the past five fall semesters.
Notes: Includes undergraduate and graduate students.
Data Available: Beginning of May


Degree Overview

Element Name: Degree and Certificate Completions
Definition: The number of degrees awarded by level for each of the past five fiscal years.  Degree levels include undergraduate certificate, associate, bachelor, graduate certificate, master, and doctoral.  A fiscal year is defined as degrees awarded between July 1 and June 30. Students with double majors (i.e., one bachelor degree with two majors) are only counted once.  Students with additional bachelor degrees are counted multiple times as appropriate.
Notes: A fiscal year (7/1 – 6/30) includes degrees awarded at the end of the summer, fall, and spring terms.
Data Available: Beginning of August


Element Name:  Bachelor – Second Degree Completions
Definition: The number of bachelor degrees awarded with double majors for each of the past five fiscal years.
Notes: Students with double majors (i.e., one bachelor degree with two majors) are only counted once.
Data Available:
Beginning of August


Graduation and Retention

Element Name: Graduation Rates
Definition: The percent of all fall first-time, full-time degree-seeking freshmen who received an undergraduate degree within 150% of time in accordance with the Federal Student-Right-to-Know standards (i.e., 6 years for a bachelor’s degree-seeking student and 3 years for an associate degree-seeking student) for the past five reporting fiscal years.
Notes: Does not include graduate students or students who transfer into the university.  Deceased students are removed from the calculation.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Retention Rates
Definition: The percent of all fall first-time, degree-seeking freshmen who enrolled as an undergraduate the following fall semester for the past five reporting fiscal years.
Notes: Does not include students who transfer into the university.
Data Available:
Mid-September (preliminary enrollment)


Employee Dashboard

Element Name:  Faculty Headcount by Tenure Status
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st by tenure status for each of the past five years.  Tenure status includes four classifications: Tenured/Tenure Track, Instructional-Track, Research Track (research faculty only), and a total line.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Faculty Headcount as of Fall
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st of each year.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Faculty Headcount by Tenure Status
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st of each year by tenure status.  Tenure status includes three classifications: Tenured/Tenure Track, Instructional-Track, and Research Track (research faculty only).
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Faculty Headcount by Race/Ethnicity
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st of each year by race/ethnicity.  Race/ethnicity includes three classifications: White/Non-Hispanic, International and Not Supplied, and Underrepresented Race/Ethnicity (URE). URE includes American Indian/Alaskan Native, African American/Non-Hispanic, Asian/Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Hispanic American, and Multiracial.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Faculty Headcount by Gender
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st of each year by gender.  Gender designations include female and male.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Faculty Headcount by Rank
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time faculty as of October 1st of each year by rank status. There are four classifications of faculty which include: Tenured/Tenure Track faculty, Instructional-Track faculty, Contingent faculty (instructors, visiting, and temporary faculty), and Research faculty. Rank status includes the following classifications: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Teaching Professor, and Professor of Practice.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary instructional and research faculty and includes those faculty on sabbatical and on unpaid leave of absence.  Deans, associate deans, department chairs, executives and professional staff with tenure are considered as staff.  GTAs are excluded.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Staff Headcount by Exempt Status
Definition: Headcount of all full and part time staff by exempt/nonexempt status as of October 1st for each of the past five years.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but excludes all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Staff Headcount as of Fall
Definition: Headcount of full and part time staff as of October 1st of each year.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but excludes all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Staff Exempt Status
Definition: Headcount of full and part time staff as of October 1st of each year by exempt/nonexempt status.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but excludes all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Staff Headcount by Race/Ethnicity
Definition: Headcount of full and part time staff as of October 1st of each year by race/ethnicity. Race/ethnicity includes three classifications: White/Non-Hispanic, International and Not Supplied, and Underrepresented Race/Ethnicity (URE). URE includes American Indian/Alaskan Native, African American/Non-Hispanic, Asian/Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Hispanic American, and Multiracial.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but excludes all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Staff Headcount by Gender
Definition: Headcount of full and part time staff as of October 1st of each year by gender.  Gender designations include female and male.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but will exclude all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.
Data Available: End of November


Element Name:  Research Staff Headcount
Definition: Headcount of full and part time staff as of October 1st of each year by research status.  Research designations includes Research and Non-research staff.  Research staff include such positions as research engineers, research scientists, and research post-doctoral scholars.
Notes: Figures include all regular, fixed-term, and temporary staff, but will exclude all non-represented temporary staff and student employees.    Research faculty will be reported as faculty.
Data Available: End of November


Finance Dashboard

Element Name: Endowment Assets per FTE
Definition: Total endowment assets per total fiscal year student FTE for each of the last five fiscal years.  Endowment assets include funds whose principal is nonexpendable and that are intended to be invested to provide earnings for institutional use.  Student FTE includes the FTE of all undergraduate and graduate students.
Notes: The number of FTE students is calculated based on the credit and/or clock hours reported by the institution on the IPEDS 12-month enrollment (E12) component and the institution's calendar system, as reported on the IC Header component. The following indicates the level of instructional activity used to convert the credit hours reported to an indicator of full-time equivalents (FTE students):
-Enrollment level (one FTE over 12-month period)
-Undergraduate students 30 credit hours
-Master’s students 24 credit hours
-Doctoral students 16 credit hours
The total 12-month FTE is generated by summing the reported undergraduate student FTE, master’s student FTE, and doctoral student FTE.
Data Available: End of April


Element Name: Composite Financial Index
Definition: The Composite Financial Index (CFI) is the combination of four key ratios that measure the financial health of the university: primary reserve ratio, viability ratio, net operating revenue ratio, and return on net assets ratio.  The ratio will be displayed both with and without the effects of GASB 68 and GASB 75 for each of last five fiscal years.
Data Available: End of April


Element Name: Instruction / Research / Public Service as a Percent of Core Expenditures
Definition: Total current fund instruction, research, and public service expenditures as a percent of total core current fund expenditures for each of the last five fiscal years.  Core expenses include expenses for instruction, research, public service, academic support, student services, institutional support, scholarships and fellowships, and other operating and nonoperating expenses.
Data Available: End of April


Element Name: Net Tuition per FTE
Definition: Net current fund tuition and fees per total fiscal year student FTE for each of the last five fiscal years.  Student FTE includes the FTE of all undergraduate and graduate students.
Notes: The number of FTE students is calculated based on the credit and/or clock hours reported by the institution on the IPEDS 12-month enrollment (E12) component and the institution's calendar system, as reported on the IC Header component. The following indicates the level of instructional activity used to convert the credit hours reported to an indicator of full-time equivalents (FTE students):
-Enrollment level (one FTE over 12-month period)
-Undergraduate students 30 credit hours
-Master’s students 24 credit hours
-Doctoral students 16 credit hours
The total 12-month FTE is generated by summing the reported undergraduate student FTE, master’s student FTE, and doctoral student FTE.
Data Available: End of April


Element Name:  Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Position
Definition: The change in net financial position for each of the last five fiscal years, reported for both the general fund and total current funds.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Institutional Revenue Diversification
Definition: Total current fund operating and non-operating revenues by source for each of the last five fiscal years.  Revenues are reported as follows: Student Tuition and Fees (net), All Grant and Contracts, Other Educational Activities, State Appropriations, Pell Grants, Gifts, and Other.
Notes: All Grants and Contracts will include all federal, state, and non-governmental grants and contracts.  Other Educational Activities will include revenue from all Educational Activities, Departmental Activities, and Student Residence Halls (net).
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Definition: The ratio of Adjusted Change in Net Assets to Total Debt Service in a given fiscal year.  Adjusted Change in Net Assets is the change in total unrestricted net assets, depreciation expenses, interest expense, amortization, and unusually large non-cash expenses.  Total Debt Service includes both principal debt payments and interest expenses.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Age of Plant Ratio
Definition: The ratio of accumulated depreciation to annual depreciation expenses in a given fiscal year.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name: Days Cash on Hand
Definition: The ratio of total unrestricted cash and equivalents to the daily operating expenses minus depreciation in a given fiscal year.
Data Available: End of January


Research Dashboard

Element Name: Total Research Expenditures
Definition:  Research expenditures from federal, state, industrial, non-profit, foreign, and internal sources for a given fiscal year.
Notes: Internal sources include Michigan Tech cost share, waiver of facilities & administrative costs, IRAD, research related gifts, startup, use charge indexes, A13 department general fund indexes designated for faculty research, and Research Excellence Fund (REF) projects.
Data Available: End of January


Element Name:  Intellectual Property
Definition: The number research disclosures, nondisclosure agreements, patents filed or issued, license agreements, and total gross royalty revenue received for research conducted by the university in a given fiscal year.
Data Available: End of December



Element Name: Research Expenditures by College/School/Division
Definition: Research expenditures from federal, state, industrial, non-profit, foreign, and internal sources by college / division for a given fiscal year.
Notes: Internal sources include Michigan Tech cost share, waiver of facilities & administrative costs, IRAD, research related gifts, startup, use charge indexes, A13 department general fund indexes designated for faculty research, and Research Excellence Fund (REF) projects.
Data Available: End of January



Element Name: Federal Funding by Agency
Definition:  The value of the new contracts and grants received by the university from federal sources (i.e., the National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, NASA, etc.) in a given fiscal year.
Notes: Includes state and federal pass-through dollars.
Data Available: End of December


Element Name: Corporate Sponsorship
Definition: The value of the new contracts and grants received by the university from industrial sources (i.e., automotive, defense & space, energy, consumer products, etc.) in a given fiscal year.
Data Available: End of December