
If you have completed your degree at Michigan Tech, congratulations! There are just a few more details to take care of.

The Registrar's Office has important graduation resources: find commencement instructions, help ordering a cap and gown, and of course, details about receiving your diploma. 

Are you inviting guests for your graduation?

  • Please fill out the Graduation Invitation Letter below if your family is coming for your graduation.
  • You will need to fill out one form per guest if you would like to invite multiple family members.
  • We will let you know when your letter is ready.
  • Please be accurate in your response (capital letters, spelling etc): What you enter will be exactly how it appears in the letter.

Request Graduation Invitation Letter

After You Graduate

This is not goodbye! You will always be a Husky. Opportunities to stay connected to your Michigan Tech family continue for a lifetime.

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