
The Institute for Policy, Ethics, and Culture (IPEC) addresses the policy implications, ethical considerations, and cultural significance of the massive changes and disruptive forces currently underway. By bringing policy, ethics, and culture into the center of inquiry, IPEC creates collaborations on topics key to understanding technocultural change: issues such as algorithmic culture, medicine, biotechnology, and ethics; technology and autonomy; surveillance and privacy; and reconfiguring human relationships in and with a changing environment. IPEC brings together a diversity of knowledge holders—faculty, staff, and community partners—to collaborate on and support research, policy, sharing, and teaching that responds to the changing technological environment.


The Institute for Policy, Ethics, and Culture (IPEC) pursues scholarly engagement to address the massive changes and disruptive forces driven by emergent technologies. By bringing ethics and culture into the center of inquiry vis-a-vis policy implications, IPEC creates collaborative scholarly and research opportunities for its members in order to investigate techno-socio-cultural issues.



IPEC Charter and Bylaws