Our research faculty have highlighted their areas of interest to help you decide which graduate program best fits you and who you would like to work with.
Researchers have graduate and undergraduate research assistants. To learn more about possible research assistant opportunities, visit our employment page or email us at kip@mtu.edu.
Areas of Interest
Atmospheric Science; Cloud and aerosol physics and chemistry; Nucleation
Cardiovascular physiology, neurophysiology and exercise science.; Neural mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.; Neural mechanisms of exercise training in regulating autonomic and cardiovascular function.
Autonomic Cardiovascular Control in Humans; Orthostatic and Simulated Orthostatic Stress; Traumatic Injury and Device Development
Mobility and postural control in aging and special populations; Ergonomics and design of built environments for special populations
Rural health; Maternal and child health; Breastfeeding; Care-seeking behaviors; Hand hygiene; Social determinants of health
Central Mechanism of Salt Sensitive Hypertension; Brain Prorenin Receptor and Hypertension; Brain Orexin System and Hypertension; Stress and Neuroinflammation and Hypertension; Neuronal Mechanism of Metabolic Syndrome
Cognitive Aging; Cognitive Neuroscience; Motor Learning; Sensorimotor Control; Memory; Cognitive Control