All Michigan Tech students must have 3 co-curricular units (6 one-half units) of select courses to graduate.
Physical Education classes have proven to be a great stress release from academic life. They provide fun and develop social skills while enhancing personal fitness. The department offers a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities that will help students develop their own program of fitness while earning their co-curricular units.
No co-curricular course may be counted more than once toward the three units required for graduation. No co-curricular course may be audited more than once. There are many varieties of co-curricular courses available for the students to choose from, including the varsity classes which the varsity athletes take to fulfill requirements.
Most physical education classes are seven weeks long (part of term A and part of term B for each semester). The start and end dates for each part of term are listed in the Scheduling page. Students are expected to know which part of term their PE classes are scheduled.
Students should come to the first day of classes dressed in appropriate clothing for class and ready to participate.