European marsh thistle, a terrestrial and wetland herbaceous biennial in the Asteraceae
family, is an invasive plant that prefers moist soils. European marsh thistle frequently
invades fens, wetlands, and disturbed sites such as roadside ditches. Identifying
features include:
typically grows 2-7 feet tall
leaves are alternate with deeply pinnate segments and spiny teeth along leaf margins
flowers are purple, disk-shaped, and covered in spines
often found with multiple flowers per stem
wind dispersed seeds carried by clusters of cotton-like fuzz
Note: European marsh thistle is distinguished from Canada thistle by having spines
that cover the stem, leaves, and flowers.
European marsh thistle can colonize areas quite aggressively and can be difficult
to remove from areas due to the wet soils they prefer. Current management practices:
annually hand pull or dig around rosettes
if thistle has bloomed, clip off flowers, buds, and fruiting bodies to prevent seed
mow population before flower buds open when possible
be sure to bag and dispose of all flower, bud, and fruiting body clippings in a landfill
Note: It is important to pull second growth plants to eventually exhaust the seed
source and deplete populations. It is also important to bag flower clippings to prevent
further seed production and spread.
Native Alternatives
Species such as native swamp thistle (Cirsium muticum), swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata), and joe-pye weed (Eutrochium maculatum), are all great alternatives to European marsh thistle. These species are tall herbaceous
perennial flowers that are extremely similar to European marsh thistle. All of these
would be great choices for replanting in areas where European marsh thistle has been