The following policies govern patrons' use of the library's material and eResources. If you have questions about any of the these policies please contact the library.
The Opie Library, portions of the 1st and 2nd floors of the Van Pelt and Opie Library, including instruction rooms (242 and 244), is open to Michigan Tech enrolled undergraduate students, active graduate students, faculty and staff only. Michigan Tech affiliates must each have their HuskyCards to show to library staff or Public Safety when requested. Access to the Opie Library begins when the library’s main building closes, during holidays or most weather events.
Entrance to the Opie Library during overnight hours, holidays or weather events is at the West side entrance with an individual’s active HuskyCard. Exits are the West side entrance. There are a number of emergency exits.
Although the Opie Library has security cameras, emergency phones and is monitored by Public Safety, students are expected to contribute to their safety and security by complying with one HuskyCard, one person entry and making Public Safety aware of dangerous situations or unauthorized persons.
As the library’s hours vary on the weekend, university break weeks, unanticipated closures, and some holiday exceptions, please visit our Web site for awareness of the library’s hours.
The Van Pelt and Opie Library, including the Opie Library, will close entirely at 8 p.m. on the Wednesday night of Winter Carnival.
For questions about access or to be shown entrances and exits, please talk with a member of the library staff at the Library Service Center. For questions about this policy, please contact the offices of the University Librarian at 906-487-2500 or
Library Instruction Room (Room 244) Policy
Library 244 is primarily used for library instruction and workshops.Schedule librarian-led class instruction on information literacy skills such as finding, using, and evaluating library resources,
or request customized library instruction workshops for your department or course.
When not in use for these purposes, Library 244 is available as an open study space
and can be accessed 24/7 using your HuskyCard. During the academic year, student groups
may reserve the space for meetings and activities after 5pm using the library’s Reserve a Space Form.
East Reading Room/Opie Reading Room/Rovano Plaza:
- Requesting space
- Reservations may be made on our Schedule an Event or Reserve Space at the Library form
- Reservations must be made at least three days in advance of the event and are not confirmed until notice of approval via email.
- The East Reading Room and Opie Reading Room are intended to provide space for:
- Student study
- Events that create connections across campus in support, promotion, or celebration of life-long learning
- Events that fall outside these priorities may be accommodated when they do not otherwise conflict with them. For example, reservation requests are likely to be declined in Weeks 14 and 15 when student study for finals is prioritized.
- The library will provide a sign with the name of the sponsor and title of the event.
- Setup, take-down, and clean up is the responsibility of the organization that has
reserved the library space.
- Capacities:
- Theatre style (chairs only) : 75 people
- Banquet style (chairs around tables): 50 people
- Capacities:
- If training is needed to use the AV equipment, arrangements must be made with the library at least 24 hours prior to the event. Contact to arrange.
- Food/Drink Requirements:
- If alcohol is to be served, the request must be reviewed and approved in advance by Sarah Shulte, General Counsel. Proof of approval must be shared with the library ( at least 1 week prior to the event.
- Food for events must be catered by MTU Dining Services. Please contact them for a full listing of available catering services. Catering for large events must be booked at least two weeks in advance.
- Confirm the event end time with MTU Dining services and if catering items have not been removed by the end of the event, please follow up with Dining Services.
Exhibit Space:
- Reservations must be made at least 1 day in advance and are not confirmed until notice of approval via email. Last minute requests are considered.
- Please bring a sign or banner that includes your organization or department name.
- Food distribution must follow the University Food Policy; fundraising bake sales are allowed for registered student organizations.
- Setup, take-down, and clean up is the responsibility of the organization that has reserved the library space.
General Policies:
- MTU-affiliated organizations and departments are welcome to reserve library event and exhibit spaces.
- Please communicate any changes or additions as soon as possible by emailing For example: changes in equipment needs, day/time of booking, etc.
- Cancellation notice is appreciated as soon as possible by emailing
- Requestors must follow all library and Michigan Technological University policies.
- The reserving department or organization is responsible for any damage to library facilities and equipment.
- No open flames allowed.
- Glue, tape, and nails are not permitted on the walls. Request easels, whiteboards, pushpins, removable mounting putty, etc. on the event request form.
- The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- The library director or their designee reserves the right to reassign or cancel a space reservation.
- Failure to adhere to these policies may result in the loss of library space reservation privileges.
The library is not liable for the loss, theft, or abandonment of personal property within the building. Patrons are encouraged to keep their belongings in their possession at all times.
A self-service lost and found box is available near the circulation desk on the first floor for convenience.
- Items of minor value will be held for up to 30 days, after which they will be donated to a local charitable organization.
- Items such as water bottles, unidentifiable notebooks, and unusable items will be discarded at the end of each month.
- Items deemed of significant value will be kept behind the circulation desk and transferred to the Department of Public Safety and Police Services within 48 hours of being received.
Please direct inquiries to the circulation desk at 906-487-2508 or
For questions about this policy, please contact the library director at 906-487-2419 or
- Study rooms are prioritized for groups of 2–12 students during the fall and spring semesters; however, individual study is permitted.
- To ensure equitable access:
- Reservations are first-come, first-served
- Rooms can be reserved for 1-4 hours per day
- Rooms can be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance
- Students may only reserve one room at a time
- Students must check in to the study room within 15 minutes of the start of the reservation. Patrons who do not check in forfeit their reservation.
- Patrons with a reservation who have checked in during the first fifteen minutes of the reservation have the right to occupy the room over others. Patrons using the room without a reservation or who failed to check in may be asked to leave.
- The patron who made the reservation is responsible for any damages incurred during room use.
- The library staff reserves the right to modify or cancel reservations when necessary.
- During summer and university-scheduled breaks, study rooms may be reserved by non-students and visitors to Michigan Tech, as availability allows. Regular scheduling policies apply. Please stop by or call the Circulation Desk (906-487-2508) to inquire about reservations.
For questions about this policy or information about Group Study Rooms, please contact
DRAFT POLICY - This policy is currently under review and use of the referenced form is for testing purposes only at this time.
Library 244 is a multi-use space. Its main function is hosting library instruction sessions and student open study. Michigan Technological University student groups are also welcome to reserve the room by coordinating with Jenn Sams, Assistant Director of Education and Public Services at
When using Library 244, please follow these required guidelines:
- The Flame/Incense Request Form must be submitted and approved before anything flammable can be used in the space*
- Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest fire extinguisher, emergency phone, and the fire exit before lighting candles, oil lamps, or incense
- Candles/Open Flames must be under constant supervision and may not be left unattended
- It is recommended that candles to be kept in a glass chimney similar to a hurricane lamp, restaurant style candles, or a small votive floating in a water bath. If tipped, the container must be capable of containing the entire candle, dripping wax, and any heat within the container
- Hand-held candles or open flame devices will not be allowed to be passed from one person to another while lit
- Candles shall not be placed on areas that are unstable or could come in contact with curtains or other hanging objects
- Candles must not be used in close proximity to heat or smoke detectors or sprinkler heads in such a way that heat or smoke might activate the device
- No polystyrene foam candle holders or candles in a table or mantle decoration are permitted
- All readily combustible materials must be secured at least three (3) feet away from the open flame
- Please be aware of others sharing nearby library spaces; please keep the Library 244 door closed when using the room to contain both noise and incense smells
- Return all tables and chairs to their original setup
- Dispose of all trash and items for recycling in the bins provided; dispose of all food waste in a trash bin in the main part of the library building
- If using candles or incense, extinguish all flames and open windows for 10 minutes after use
- Close all windows before leaving the room
- Take all incense, candles, or other flammable items out of the room when leaving and do not store them in any cabinet in the room
- If non-emergency assistance is needed during library service hours, seek help in person at the Circulation Desk on the first floor or call (906) 487-2508; after hours, email and your question will be addressed the next day that library services are available
* Please note that in addition to these guidelines, the use of flames and incense in this room will be periodically reviewed by library administration.
- Patrons are expected to respect others’ spaces and privacy in the library. Behavior should be appropriate for an indoor environment where lifelong learning occurs and is a priority.
- All patrons are required to adhere to university rules (see the Board of Trustees policies), and students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
- For non-dangerous situations, the expectation is that students with concerning behaviors or situations are referred to appropriate support resources such as the Dean of Students, the Graduate School, HuskyFan, Health and Wellness, etc.
- For situations where there is an immediate concern for the safety of staff or other patrons, library staff will call Public Safety.
Appeals apply to the replacement cost for lost or damaged materials borrowed from this library or another library via interlibrary loan. Any related charges, such as fees charged to a patron’s university account, are not covered by this policy.
Patrons are encouraged to appeal library charges if:
- They believe the library has made an error in charging their account
- They experience an unavoidable situation, preventing the timely return of borrowed material(s)
Patrons may file an appeal through the Appeal a Library Charge form.
Library administration will review all appeals and advise the patron whether the charges have been upheld, reduced, refunded or forgiven. Appeal decisions are generally made within 10 days.
For questions about this policy, please contact the library director at 906-487-2419 or
The following policies apply to use and duplication of photographs and other materials duplicated from the Archives and Historical Collection.
- Patrons will be required to sign and return our standard photographic agreement form which stipulates your one-time use for these images and provides correct credit lines for use in publication.
- While many patrons initially request images for personal research, patrons are required to request permission for any subsequent publication in advance of such use.
- Subsequent use of images is only allowed with the completion of a separate photographic agreement.
- Images are not to be copied or shared under any circumstances.
- Patrons are legally liable for any misuse of the digital images once they are provided.
- In some cases, handling of fragile material may cause damage, and duplication may not be possible. Such decisions will be made at the discretion of staff on a case-by-case basis. You will be asked to sign and comply with our digital photography agreement.
The following information applies to all patrons borrowing materials from the Van Pelt and Opie Library’s circulating collections.
Library Role
- All patron and transaction information will be kept confidential.
- Communication concerning borrowed items will be conducted by email notices.
- Assistance in understanding this and related policies will be provided upon request.
- Assistance in accessing and understanding the patron’s Library Account will be provided upon request.
Patron Responsibilities
- Present your HuskyCard ID or Courtesy Borrowing Card to borrow materials.
- Do not loan any borrowed material to another patron before returning it to the library.
- Return all material by the original or revised due date.
- Read and respond to all library notices promptly.
- Notify the library if your card is lost or stolen.
- Notify the library of a change in name or address, including email.
- Contact the library immediately if any material borrowed on your card is lost or stolen.
Overdue materials
- Borrowed items kept beyond their due date are overdue. The library will send regular overdue notices to the patron via email. Please see the library’s Borrowing Rules and Fees chart for details.
- Library patrons will receive a courtesy notice prior to an item's due date. At that time patrons should return items to the library to prevent the item from becoming overdue or contact if the item has been lost or if other circumstances prevent the timely return of library items.
- If an overdue items is not returned it will be declared "lost". Patrons will be billed for the replacement cost of the lost item if it is not returned. See the library's Lost and Damaged Materials/Resources Replacement Policy for details.
- Patrons may appeal library charges under certain circumstances. See Appealing Library Charges policy for details.
See our Library and Archives Collection Development Policies for details.
Course Reserve is a collection of physical course materials made available to students for the duration of their courses. Course reserve may provide more equitable access to instruction materials for students.
The library will accept requests from Michigan Tech instructors for physical library or instructor owned course materials. In certain circumstances, materials from the library’s collections may be placed onto course reserve. Instructors will be notified of this action.
Instructors are responsible for supplying the library with sufficient information via a Course Reserve Request form to ensure timely materials processing and the safe return of instructor owned materials.
All items are removed from course reserve at the conclusion of the course, unless the instructor makes other arrangements with the library.
Placing reproductions of journal articles, book chapters, reports, etc., onto course reserve may require copyright permission.The library can provide information about U. S. copyright laws or applicable university policies. Upon request, the library will assist in obtaining copyright permissions, but copyright compliance is the responsibility of the instructor. The library will not knowingly place material on course reserve which violates U.S. copyright laws and/or university policies pertaining to copyright.
The library will be responsible for the replacement of instructors’ materials in the event of loss or damage while on course reserve. Instructors may request that library staff place anti-theft devices into their personal materials with the understanding that these devices are permanent.
The Van Pelt and Opie Library is working to improve equitable access to course materials and recognizes that cost is a barrier to access for many students. While the library does not actively collect textbooks used in courses at Michigan Tech, it does accept recommendations for purchases from instructors. Acquisition is dependent on cost, availability to libraries, and accessibility. Because an ebook may be available to many concurrent users, this format is preferred. Print editions will be placed on Course Reserve in the library.
Instructors are also encouraged to consider Open Educational Resources as a no-cost, immediately available resource.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a means of borrowing books from other libraries. However, using interlibrary loan to obtain textbooks is not recommended. Shorter loan periods, an average delivery time of ten days, and a frequent lack of available copies, make ILL an impractical option for acquiring in a timely manner textbooks needed for an entire semester.
Students who cannot acquire their textbooks through the Campus Bookstore or other retailers are encouraged to contact their instructors. The instructor may have access to a copy of the text that can be placed on course reserve or may recommend that the library purchase the book.
Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech is a digital repository offering worldwide access to research, scholarship, campus publications and other creative works by members of the Michigan Tech community. This repository is a service of the Van Pelt and Opie Library. To learn about the types of content that can be deposited in Digital Commons @ Michigan Tech, please see the Content Policy. For more information, contact
The library subscribes to the Michigan Tech's policy for disabled persons. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Dean of Students at 906-487-2212, or
Responsible Use of Library Electronic or Digital Resources
Electronic or digital information resources provided by the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library (“Library”) are for non-commercial, scholarly and research uses by active students, faculty and staff of Michigan Technological University and for persons physically present in the library.
U.S. Copyright Law (including the protections of “fair use”), other federal and state laws, and the University’s contracts or licenses with licensors, publishers and other providers (“information providers”) govern the access, use and reproduction of these resources.
Allowable Use
- Displaying, downloading, printing, copying and storing reasonable portions of the information or content is allowed.
- It is generally permissible to link to articles or chapters instead of downloading.
- Some electronic licenses permit the inclusion of content in course packs, electronic reserves, multiple copies for classroom use or inclusion in a Canvas course site.
Prohibited Use
- Sharing of passwords or access codes.
- Downloading large sets of articles, manually or through the use of software agents, robots, or search/retrieval applications to identify and download content. Note that systematic downloading is detectable by the information provider and traceable to a specific computer address.
- Downloading entire issues of electronic journals, sequential chapters in online books or creating a large database of files on your computer, a server or a Canvas course site.
- Engaging in actions intended to circumvent control mechanisms by the library or information provider.
- Sharing of proprietary or client software to connect to an information resource including those that search and retrieve text.
- Posting of copyrighted material on a publicly accessible Web site.
- Enabling access to copyrighted publications or programs via a server or other technology in violation of the terms for which they have been licensed.
- Re-sale or commercial use of licensed information.
Further Information
Licensors have the right, under the terms of their licenses with the University, to block access for the entire university based on a single user’s violation.
The Van Pelt and Opie Library can help you utilize content and eResources for your research and instructional needs and/or help you to obtain applicable copyright permission.
If you would like more information, or need assistance with research/reference questions, please contact us at
The library's Interlibrary Loan service enables patrons to obtain materials not held by the Van Pelt and Opie Library, including books and other physical materials, as well as electronic copies of journal articles and papers. The library offers two ways to borrow materials: MeLCat (Michigan eLibrary) and our ILL system. The following information applies to all patrons of ILL, regardless of the system they use to request interlibrary loan services.
- All patron and transaction information will be kept confidential.
- This institution reserves the right to refuse or accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve a violation of copyright.
- The Patron is responsible for:
- Providing a clear and complete citation when submitting a request.
- Being aware of and promptly responding to ILL notices sent via Michigan Tech email. Please see the library's Borrowing Rules chart for details.
- Returning all borrowed items by the due date in the same condition in which they were received.
- Returning any items recalled by the lending library within 3 days of being notified.
- Honoring the due date and any special instructions noted on the borrowed item.
- Requesting a renewal for a borrowed item before the due date.
- Returning overdue items or responding to overdue notices promptly.
- Reporting any lost or damaged ILL materials to or 906-487-3207.
- Paying any replacement costs and fees charged by the lending library. See the Borrowing Rules chart for more details.
- Initiating an appeal for library charges. See Appealing Library Charges policy for details.
- Reading and understanding the following statement regarding United States copyright
law and ILL:
The copyright law of the United States, Title 17, US Code, governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
- Patrons who fail to observe their ILL responsibilities and the ILL policies may be blocked from ILL use.
Eligibility & Availability
Laptops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Patrons may not submit holds for laptops.
Types of Loans
Emergency Laptop Loans
To ensure all students have the tools, programs, and access necessary for success, the VPOL and IT have partnered to facilitate emergency laptop loans. Emergency laptops are intended for short-term use. There are a limited number of laptops available for lending, and as such, these are not intended to replace the requirements for a personal device as outlined in the University’s Computing Device Requirement. If you require assistance acquiring a personal device to meet university requirements, please contact the University’s Financial Aid staff at 888-688-1885 or email to inquire about possible financing options.
- Loan period: 2 weeks with 1 week renewal
- Eligibility: current students
- Frequency: Emergency Laptops may be borrowed once per semester. Exceptions may be made for individuals whose personal device is undergoing repairs (documentation will be requested).
4-Hour Laptop Loans
The VPOL provides 4-Hour laptop loans for short-term needs, such as classes, meetings, tests, etc. The 4-hour loan fleet includes both Windows and Mac devices.
- Loan period: 4 hours with no renewals
- Eligibility: current students, staff, faculty, and Courtesy Card Borrowers
- Frequency: As needed
Borrower Responsibilities
The patron who borrows the laptop on their account is responsible for returning it safely, in working order, and in a timely fashion.
Borrowers should:
- Keep the laptop in its bag when not in use to prevent spills, scratches, pet damage, etc.
- Wind the laptop cord correctly to extend its life
- Save data to Google Drive or other external tool
- Clean the keyboard, screen, and power cord before returning the laptop. Use a small amount of water on a soft microfiber cloth (the cloth should be wet but not dripping). No alcohol, ammonia, or bleach based cleaners.
- Abide by the University’s Computer Use Policy
- Return the laptop, power cord, and laptop bag together
Library and IT Responsibilities
The Library will circulate laptops and provide timely return reminders to patrons.
IT will reformat the Emergency laptops and wipe them down upon return. They will also assess these laptops for damage. The library will assess the 4-hour laptops for damage upon return.
Cleaning Fees, Replacement Fees, and Lending Restrictions
If a returned laptop requires cleaning beyond a basic wipe down, the borrowing patron will be charged a cleaning fee of $50.
If a laptop is lost or damaged beyond repair (as determined by IT), the borrowing patron will be billed for the replacement cost (generally the current market value). Lost notices and replacement costs will be sent to the patron as outlined in the library’s Borrowing & Fees Chart.
The library or IT may limit lending to patrons who repeatedly incur replacement or cleaning costs.
Patrons may appeal library charges under certain circumstances. See the Appealing Library Charges Policy for details.
Lockers are available to current Michigan Tech students through the Library Circulation Desk. Locker rental fees are $10 per semester. Lockers are located on the 1st floor near the Opie Overnight west entrance.
- No food, beverages, or potentially hazardous or illegal substances can be stored in the locker.
- Rental fees are non-refundable.
- Failure to return the locker key on or before the expiration date will result in a $25.00 key replacement fee.
- The library reserves the right to:
- Be held harmless for missing items
- Contact Public Safety or otherwise open the locker when there is reasonable suspicion that hazardous or illegal substances, spoiled food, or library materials that have not been checked out are in the locker
- Remove and place in our Lost and Found any material found in the locker one week after the rental expiration date
To ensure access to Van Pelt and Opie Library materials for every patron and to comply with the requirements of our interlibrary loan partners, the library will bill patrons for the replacement cost (generally the current market value) for lost or damaged items they have borrowed. This policy relates to all categories of items borrowed from the library and through all Interlibrary Loan services.
Lost Materials/Resources
Borrowed items are considered lost when:
- The loan and overdue periods have passed without renewal or request for renewal
- The patron has not responded to the library’s overdue and replacement cost notices sent through Michigan Tech e-mail (or e-mail on record for Courtesy Borrower’s Card holders); nor alerted of extenuating circumstances
- The patron indicates that the item is lost
- The library staff has made a concerted effort over 7 days to find the item(s) a patron claimed was returned
Damaged Materials/Resources
Borrowed items are considered damaged when:
- They cannot be used by another patron
- They cannot be repaired by library staff
- They pose a potential hazard to the library (for example, mold, fumes, infestation)
Damaged materials must be returned to staff at the Library Circulation Desk, and not placed in bookdrops. Assessing library materials for damage (versus normal wear and tear) will be done by experienced library staff.
Library’s role
The library will:
- Upon item checkout inform the patron of an item’s due date verbally and provide an email receipt
- Send regular notices to the patron’s Michigan Tech email account (or Courtesy Card holders - the e-mail account on record) when the item’s due date has passed (A schedule of notices is available on the library’s Borrowing Rules and Fees chart)
- Provide guidance, upon request, to the patron on using their My Account, or Interlibrary Loan accounts to monitor their borrowing activities, including making or requesting renewals
- Promptly inform the patron via email of any revised due date resulting from an item’s renewal or recall
- Notify the patron when damaged items have been assessed by library staff
- Inform the patron via email of the estimated replacement cost prior to billing the patron
- Accept lost items and reverse charges if items are returned:
- In the same condition as when borrowed
- Before the item has been replaced or withdrawn (generally 6 months, but can be shorter for higher demand items)
- Ensure the patron’s rights and responsibilities concerning the borrowing of materials from this and other libraries are accessible through the library’s website
The library will not:
- Renew any material after the item’s due date has passed
- Accept a replacement copy of a lost or damaged item
- Charge any patron for the normal and expected wear and tear of an item they have borrowed
Patrons may appeal library charges under certain circumstances. See Appealing Library Charges policy for details.
The library subscribes to Michigan Tech's Acceptable Use of Information Technologies policy. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Information Technology Services at 906-487-1111, or
The library offers a proxy service to better facilitate patron access to library and interlibrary loan items. Through the proxy service, an authorizing patron appoints another patron as their proxy. Proxies may borrow or renew library and interlibrary loan items on behalf of the authorizing patron.
- Both the authorizing patron and proxy must have a valid HuskyCard or Courtesy Borrowing Card
- Proxies must present their library card at the Circulation desk to borrow items
- All borrowed items are recorded on the authorizing patron's library or interlibrary loan accounts
- The authorizing patron is responsible for borrowed items, including any costs associated with the replacement of lost or damaged items
- All circulation and interlibrary loan policies apply
- Requests for proxies must be submitted via the Proxy Service form
Questions regarding the proxy service may be directed to or 906-487-3207.
For questions about this policy, please contact the library director at 906-487-2419 or
At the discretion of the workshop instructor, library workshops will be cancelled 48 hours in advance if there are fewer than 3 people registered. If a workshop must be cancelled due to low enrollment, the instructor will contact the registrants promptly by email to offer to make an appointment to meet with them individually to cover the workshop content and answer questions.
In very rare cases a workshop may also be cancelled due to emergency circumstances. When a workshop is cancelled for emergency reasons, registrants will be contacted promptly by email and the workshop will be rescheduled for as soon a date as possible.