ACC4700 |
Jodie Dompier | Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Organizations |
BA5710 |
Srivastava, Manish | Contemporary strategy analysis |
BE3550 |
Han, Sangyoon | Basic transport phenomena in biomedical engineering |
CE3810 |
Sadeghiamirshahidi, Mohammadhossein | Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices |
CEE4506 |
Perlinger, Judith | Sustainable engineering : drivers, metrics, tools, and applications |
CEE4506 |
Judith Perlinger | Sustainable Engineering |
CEE4511 |
Seagren, Eric | Hazardous wastes : sources, pathways, receptors |
CEE4511 |
Eric Seagren | Hazardous wastes : sources, pathways, receptors |
CH3521 |
Kathryn Perrine | Physical Chemistry : Thermodynamics, Structure and Change |
CH4320 |
Luck, Rudy | Advanced inorganic chemistry. |
CM3510 |
King, Julia | Elements of chemical reaction engineering |
CS3425 |
Zhang, Ruihong | A First Course in Database Systems |
CS5481 |
Yue, Jianhui | The art of computer systems performance analysis : techniques for experimental design, measurement, simulation, and modeling |
CS5841; MEEM5190 |
Roy, Sujan Kumar | Pattern recognition and machine learning |
CS5841; MEEM5190 |
Roy, Sujan Kumar | The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition |
EC2001 |
Apriesnig, Jenny; Hardin, Ann | Essentials of Economics |
EC3400 |
Castro Oliveira, Emanuel; Connolly Hill, Laura | Economic Decision Analysis |
EC4650, EC5650 |
Holloway, Marcus | Markets and the environment |
EE3180 |
Oliveira, Aurenice | Probability and stochastic processes : a friendly introduction for electrical and computer engineers |
ENG1100, ENG1101, ENG1002, ENG1102 |
Adolph, Alden; Barron, Matthew; Bittner, James; Draughon, Gabriel; Fraley, Mary; Gustafson, Erin; Hamlin, Amy; Hamlin, Brett; Hein, Gretchen; Jarvie-Eggart, Michelle; Kemppainen, Amber; Oppliger, Douglas; Sadri-Sabet, Mir; Sticklen, Jon; Thiemann, Kenneth; Veurink, Norma | Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics |
ENG1100, ENG1101, ENG1002, ENG1102 |
Adolph, Alden; Barron, Matthew; Bittner, James; Draughon, Gabriel; Fraley, Mary; Gustafson, Erin; Hamlin, Amy; Hamlin, Brett; Hein, Gretchen; Jarvie-Eggart, Michelle; Kemppainen, Amber; Oppliger, Douglas; Sadri-Sabet, Mir; Sticklen, Jon; Thiemann, Kenneth; Veurink, Norma | Thinking Like an Engineer |
FW3510 |
James Schmierer | Introduction to Outdoor Recreation |
FW4111 |
Gagnon, Valoree | Gathering moss : a natural and cultural history of mosses |
FW4111 |
Gagnon, Valoree | Poverty, by America |
FW4300 |
Schmierer, James | Introduction to wildland fire |
FW4300 |
James Schmierer | Introduction to Wildland Fire |
FW4620 |
Cotey, Stacy | Herpetology |
GE2100 |
Shannon, Jeremy | The control of nature |
GE4290 |
Manser, Nathan | Mine ventilation and air conditioning |
HU2810 |
Archer, Jason | How to do media & cultural studies |
HU3120 |
Akinola, Ayodele James; Dagenais, Jordan; Fiss, Andrew; Keirnan, Timothy; Middlebrook, Rebecca; Nance, Jennifer | Technical Communication |
HU3503 |
Van Kooy, Dana | Discourse on colonialism |
HU3505 |
Carpenter, Stephanie | West: A Translation |
HU3505 |
Carpenter, Stephanie | Hotel Almighty |
HU3505 |
Carpenter, Stephanie | Team Photo Graph |
HU3505 |
Carpenter, Stephanie | Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth |
HU3505 |
Carpenter, Stephanie | Understanding Comics |
HU3554 |
Broadway, William | Do androids dream of electric sheep? |
HU3600 |
Bergstrom, Maria | Creative hustle : blaze your own path and make work that matters |
HU3693 |
Fiss, Andrew | Science in action : how to follow scientists and engineers through society |
HU4628 |
Keirnan, Timothy | Remote usability testing : actionable insights in user behavior across geographies and time zones |
HU4628 |
Keirnan, Timothy | Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design, Second Edition |
hu5114 |
Hristova, Stefka | Changing the subject : a theory of rhetorical empathy |
HU5114 |
Stefka Hristova | Difficult Empathy and Rhetorical Encounters |
KIP2000, KIP5700 |
Carlson, Breanne | Designing Your Life |
MA3203 |
Hemmer, David | An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography |
MA3450 |
Olson, David | Elementary Analysis : The Theory of Calculus |
MA3710 |
Gao, Xiaoqing | Statistical Methods for Engineers |
MA3740 |
Molzon, Raymond | Openintro statistics |
MA4208 |
Hemmer, David | Graphs, algorithms, and optimization |
MA4410 |
Piret, Cecile | Complex variables and analytic functions : an illustrated introduction |
MA4610, MA5627 |
Ong, Benjamin | Numerical linear algebra |
MA4780, MA5781 |
Rho, Yeonwoo | Time Series Analysis : With Applications in R |
MA5761 |
Sha, Qiuying | Statistical Computing with R |
MEEM2201 R02 |
Choi, Chang Kyoung; Dyreson, Ana; Johnson, Jaclyn; Lee, Seong-Young | Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach |
MEEM2901 |
Barr, Nancy; Van Susante, Paulus | Technical communication: a reader-centered approach (8th ed) |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | ASCE 21.2 (2008), Automated People Mover Standards, Part 2 |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | American national standard for manually-propelled elevating aerial platforms |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | American national standard for safety requirements for industrial scissors lifts |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Automated people mover standards |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Belt conveyors : unit handling conveyors |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Cableways : safety standards for cableways, cranes, derricks, hoists, hooks, jacks and slings. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Continuous Mechanical Handling Equipment for Loose Bulk Materials and Unit Loads : Belt Conveyors - Basic Characteristics of Motorized Driving Pulleys. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Fundamentals of Machine Component Design |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Guide for inspection of elevators, escalators, and moving walks : includes inspection procedures for electric traction and winding drum elevators, hydraulic elevators, and escalators and moving walks. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Industrial automation systems and integration - diagnostics, capability assessment and maintenance applications integration ; Part 1: Overview and general requirements |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Measurement of fluid flow by means of thermal dispersion mass flowmeters |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Measurement of ride quality- Part 1: lifts (elevators) |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Measurement of ride quality- Part 2: escalators and moving walks |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Mechanical vibration and shock : evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Mechanical vibration-- Measurement of vibration generated internally in railway tunnels by the passage of trains = Vibrations mécaniques--Mesurage des vibrations produites à l'intérieur des tunnels ferroviaires par le passage des trains |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Medical electrical equipment--Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of electrically operated hospital beds. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Overhead trolley chain conveyors : unit handling conveyors |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Robots and robotic devices--Safety requirements for industrial robots. Robotter og robotudstyr--Sikkerheds-krav til industrirobotter--Del 1: Robotter |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Safety code for elevators and escalators : includes requirements for elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, moving walks, material lifts, and dumbwaiters with automatic transfer devices. |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Safety standard for conveyors and related equipment |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Safety standard for structural requirements for heavy rail transit vehicles |
MEEM3901 |
Narendranath, Aneet | Steel cord conveyor belts-- Courroies transporteuses à câbles d'acier--Partie 1: Exigences de conception, de dimensions et mécaniques des courroies transporteuses à usage général |
MEEM4170 |
Sain, Trisha | Failure of materials in mechanical design : analysis, prediction, prevention |
MEEM4260, MEE5220 |
Tajiri, Kazuya | Fuel cell engines |
MEEM4665, MEEM5655 |
Tewari, Radheshyam | Lean production simplified : a plain-language guide to the world's most powerful production system |
MEEM4665, MEEM5655 |
Tewari, Radheshyam | The new manufacturing challenge : techniques for continuous improvement |
MEEM5240 |
Cai, Chunpei | Numerical computation of internal and external flows : fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics |
MEEM5990 |
Keshava Iyer, Kartik | A first course in turbulence |
MEEM5990 |
Keshava Iyer, Kartik | Turbulent flows |
MET2150 |
Sunil Mehendale | Engineering Mechanics Static & Dynamics |
MET2150 |
Sunil Mehendale | Mechanics of Materials |
MET4355 |
Mazen, Amna | Hands-on Azure Digital Twins : a practical guide to building distributed IoT solutions |
MET4510 |
Wagner, Scott | Learning to see : value stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda |
MSE3120 |
Glover, Alexandra | Elements of x-ray diffraction |
MSE3120; MSE5130 |
Glover, Alexandra | Elements of x-ray diffraction |
MSE3120; MSE5130 |
Wang, Yu | Elements of x-ray diffraction |
MSE4320 |
Callahan, Janet | Principles and prevention of corrosion |
MSE4410 |
Callahan, Janet | Ceramic Materials : Science and Engineering |
MSE4530 |
Fraga Freitas, Erico Tadeu | Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis |
MUS2000 |
Kathryn Summersett | History of Western Music |
NUR4080 |
Sullivan, Lori | Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals model and guidelines |
OSM4650 |
Woods, Roger | The ASQ Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (Study Guide) |
PH1210 |
Meyer, Michael | College Physics |
PH4211 |
Huentemeyer, Petra | Introduction to electrodynamics |
PH4395 |
Giusarma, Elena | Numerical recipes : the art of scientific computing |
PH5151/MSE5151 |
Miguel Levy | An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory |
PH5151/MSE5151 |
Miguel Levy | Quantum Field Theory |
PSY2080 |
Elizabeth Veinott | Designing with the Mind in Mind |
PSY4750/5750 |
Veinott, Elizabeth | Judgment and Decision Making |
SAT3343 |
Van Wagner, Timothy | CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing ENARSI 300-410 official cert guide |
SAT3820 |
Van Wagner, Timothy | CWNA certified wireless network administrator : official study guide |
SAT4411 |
Van Wagner, Timothy | CISCO DATA CENTER FUNDAMENTALS : bridging the gap to CCNP |
SND1150 |
Maxwell, Michael | Live sound reinforcement : a comprehensive guide to P.A. and music reinforcement systems and technology |
SND1150 |
Maxwell, Michael | The sound system design primer |
SS2001 |
Hannum, Kathryn | Social science research : principles, methods, and practices |
SS2300 |
Stefes, Christoph | Environment and society : a critical introduction |
SS2700 |
Whitley, Melody | Introduction to Sociology 3e |
SS3110 |
Carter, Angela | Freedom farmers : agricultural resistance and the black freedom movement |
SS3110 |
Carter, Angela | Healing Grounds : Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming |
SS3515 |
John Arnold | Understanding Architecture |
SS3750 |
Wurst, LouAnn | Invisible women : data bias in a world designed for men |
SS5350 |
Gabehart, Kayla | An introduction to the policy process : theories, concepts, and models of public policy making |
THEA3660 |
Radcliffe, Nicholas | Stage manager : the professional experience - refreshed |
UN1011 |
Rob Bishop | The A Game |
UN1015 |
Smith, Erin | Husky Rhetoric |
UN1015 |
Smith, Erin | Zoom Q2-HD Video Recorder |