Course Materials at the Van Pelt and Opie Library

A select number of textbooks are freely available through the Library every semester and are listed here. Search this semester’s list by using CTRL+F for the course number in the following format: ENG1101 (department acronym+course number, without spaces) or by searching other keywords. Click on a title to view it in the library catalog and find access information. Some ebook publishers will require you to create a free account (instructions for different publishers). Textbooks on this list are available as an ebook or a short-term loan physical copy.

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Course Materials Available
Course Code Course Instructor Textbook Name
ACC4700 Jodie DompierAccounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Organizations
BA5710 Srivastava, ManishContemporary strategy analysis
BE3550 Han, SangyoonBasic transport phenomena in biomedical engineering
CE3810 Sadeghiamirshahidi, MohammadhosseinGeotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices
CEE4506 Perlinger, JudithSustainable engineering : drivers, metrics, tools, and applications
CEE4506 Judith PerlingerSustainable Engineering
CEE4511 Seagren, EricHazardous wastes : sources, pathways, receptors
CEE4511 Eric SeagrenHazardous wastes : sources, pathways, receptors
CH3521 Kathryn PerrinePhysical Chemistry : Thermodynamics, Structure and Change
CH4320 Luck, RudyAdvanced inorganic chemistry.
CM3510 King, JuliaElements of chemical reaction engineering
CS3425 Zhang, RuihongA First Course in Database Systems
CS5481 Yue, JianhuiThe art of computer systems performance analysis : techniques for experimental design, measurement, simulation, and modeling
CS5841; MEEM5190 Roy, Sujan KumarPattern recognition and machine learning
CS5841; MEEM5190 Roy, Sujan KumarThe Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition
EC2001 Apriesnig, Jenny; Hardin, AnnEssentials of Economics
EC3400 Castro Oliveira, Emanuel; Connolly Hill, LauraEconomic Decision Analysis
EC4650, EC5650 Holloway, MarcusMarkets and the environment
EE3180 Oliveira, AureniceProbability and stochastic processes : a friendly introduction for electrical and computer engineers
ENG1100, ENG1101, ENG1002, ENG1102 Adolph, Alden; Barron, Matthew; Bittner, James; Draughon, Gabriel; Fraley, Mary; Gustafson, Erin; Hamlin, Amy; Hamlin, Brett; Hein, Gretchen; Jarvie-Eggart, Michelle; Kemppainen, Amber; Oppliger, Douglas; Sadri-Sabet, Mir; Sticklen, Jon; Thiemann, Kenneth; Veurink, NormaTechnical Drawing with Engineering Graphics
ENG1100, ENG1101, ENG1002, ENG1102 Adolph, Alden; Barron, Matthew; Bittner, James; Draughon, Gabriel; Fraley, Mary; Gustafson, Erin; Hamlin, Amy; Hamlin, Brett; Hein, Gretchen; Jarvie-Eggart, Michelle; Kemppainen, Amber; Oppliger, Douglas; Sadri-Sabet, Mir; Sticklen, Jon; Thiemann, Kenneth; Veurink, NormaThinking Like an Engineer
FW3510 James SchmiererIntroduction to Outdoor Recreation
FW4111 Gagnon, ValoreeGathering moss : a natural and cultural history of mosses
FW4111 Gagnon, ValoreePoverty, by America
FW4300 Schmierer, JamesIntroduction to wildland fire
FW4300 James SchmiererIntroduction to Wildland Fire
FW4620 Cotey, StacyHerpetology
GE2100 Shannon, JeremyThe control of nature
GE4290 Manser, NathanMine ventilation and air conditioning
HU2810 Archer, JasonHow to do media & cultural studies
HU3120 Akinola, Ayodele James; Dagenais, Jordan; Fiss, Andrew; Keirnan, Timothy; Middlebrook, Rebecca; Nance, JenniferTechnical Communication
HU3503 Van Kooy, DanaDiscourse on colonialism
HU3505 Carpenter, StephanieWest: A Translation
HU3505 Carpenter, StephanieHotel Almighty
HU3505 Carpenter, StephanieTeam Photo Graph
HU3505 Carpenter, StephanieJimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth
HU3505 Carpenter, StephanieUnderstanding Comics
HU3554 Broadway, WilliamDo androids dream of electric sheep?
HU3600 Bergstrom, MariaCreative hustle : blaze your own path and make work that matters
HU3693 Fiss, AndrewScience in action : how to follow scientists and engineers through society
HU4628 Keirnan, TimothyRemote usability testing : actionable insights in user behavior across geographies and time zones
HU4628 Keirnan, TimothySimple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design, Second Edition
hu5114 Hristova, StefkaChanging the subject : a theory of rhetorical empathy
HU5114 Stefka HristovaDifficult Empathy and Rhetorical Encounters
KIP2000, KIP5700 Carlson, BreanneDesigning Your Life
MA3203 Hemmer, DavidAn Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography
MA3450 Olson, DavidElementary Analysis : The Theory of Calculus
MA3710 Gao, XiaoqingStatistical Methods for Engineers
MA3740 Molzon, RaymondOpenintro statistics
MA4208 Hemmer, DavidGraphs, algorithms, and optimization
MA4410 Piret, CecileComplex variables and analytic functions : an illustrated introduction
MA4610, MA5627 Ong, BenjaminNumerical linear algebra
MA4780, MA5781 Rho, YeonwooTime Series Analysis : With Applications in R
MA5761 Sha, QiuyingStatistical Computing with R
MEEM2201 R02 Choi, Chang Kyoung; Dyreson, Ana; Johnson, Jaclyn; Lee, Seong-YoungThermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
MEEM2901 Barr, Nancy; Van Susante, PaulusTechnical communication: a reader-centered approach (8th ed)
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetASCE 21.2 (2008), Automated People Mover Standards, Part 2
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetAmerican national standard for manually-propelled elevating aerial platforms
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetAmerican national standard for safety requirements for industrial scissors lifts
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetAutomated people mover standards
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetBelt conveyors : unit handling conveyors
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetCableways : safety standards for cableways, cranes, derricks, hoists, hooks, jacks and slings.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetContinuous Mechanical Handling Equipment for Loose Bulk Materials and Unit Loads : Belt Conveyors - Basic Characteristics of Motorized Driving Pulleys.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetFundamentals of Machine Component Design
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetGuide for inspection of elevators, escalators, and moving walks : includes inspection procedures for electric traction and winding drum elevators, hydraulic elevators, and escalators and moving walks.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetIndustrial automation systems and integration - diagnostics, capability assessment and maintenance applications integration ; Part 1: Overview and general requirements
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMeasurement of fluid flow by means of thermal dispersion mass flowmeters
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMeasurement of ride quality- Part 1: lifts (elevators)
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMeasurement of ride quality- Part 2: escalators and moving walks
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMechanical vibration and shock : evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMechanical vibration-- Measurement of vibration generated internally in railway tunnels by the passage of trains = Vibrations mécaniques--Mesurage des vibrations produites à l'intérieur des tunnels ferroviaires par le passage des trains
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetMedical electrical equipment--Part 2: Particular requirements for the safety of electrically operated hospital beds.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetOverhead trolley chain conveyors : unit handling conveyors
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetRobots and robotic devices--Safety requirements for industrial robots. Robotter og robotudstyr--Sikkerheds-krav til industrirobotter--Del 1: Robotter
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetSafety code for elevators and escalators : includes requirements for elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, moving walks, material lifts, and dumbwaiters with automatic transfer devices.
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetSafety standard for conveyors and related equipment
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetSafety standard for structural requirements for heavy rail transit vehicles
MEEM3901 Narendranath, AneetSteel cord conveyor belts-- Courroies transporteuses à câbles d'acier--Partie 1: Exigences de conception, de dimensions et mécaniques des courroies transporteuses à usage général
MEEM4170 Sain, TrishaFailure of materials in mechanical design : analysis, prediction, prevention
MEEM4260, MEE5220 Tajiri, KazuyaFuel cell engines
MEEM4665, MEEM5655 Tewari, RadheshyamLean production simplified : a plain-language guide to the world's most powerful production system
MEEM4665, MEEM5655 Tewari, RadheshyamThe new manufacturing challenge : techniques for continuous improvement
MEEM5240 Cai, ChunpeiNumerical computation of internal and external flows : fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics
MEEM5990 Keshava Iyer, KartikA first course in turbulence
MEEM5990 Keshava Iyer, KartikTurbulent flows
MET2150 Sunil MehendaleEngineering Mechanics Static & Dynamics
MET2150 Sunil MehendaleMechanics of Materials
MET4355 Mazen, AmnaHands-on Azure Digital Twins : a practical guide to building distributed IoT solutions
MET4510 Wagner, ScottLearning to see : value stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda
MSE3120 Glover, AlexandraElements of x-ray diffraction
MSE3120; MSE5130 Glover, AlexandraElements of x-ray diffraction
MSE3120; MSE5130 Wang, YuElements of x-ray diffraction
MSE4320 Callahan, JanetPrinciples and prevention of corrosion
MSE4410 Callahan, JanetCeramic Materials : Science and Engineering
MSE4530 Fraga Freitas, Erico TadeuScanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
MUS2000 Kathryn SummersettHistory of Western Music
NUR4080 Sullivan, LoriJohns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals model and guidelines
OSM4650 Woods, RogerThe ASQ Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (Study Guide)
PH1210 Meyer, MichaelCollege Physics
PH4211 Huentemeyer, PetraIntroduction to electrodynamics
PH4395 Giusarma, ElenaNumerical recipes : the art of scientific computing
PH5151/MSE5151 Miguel LevyAn Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
PH5151/MSE5151 Miguel LevyQuantum Field Theory
PSY2080 Elizabeth VeinottDesigning with the Mind in Mind
PSY4750/5750 Veinott, ElizabethJudgment and Decision Making
SAT3343 Van Wagner, TimothyCCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing ENARSI 300-410 official cert guide
SAT3820 Van Wagner, TimothyCWNA certified wireless network administrator : official study guide
SAT4411 Van Wagner, TimothyCISCO DATA CENTER FUNDAMENTALS : bridging the gap to CCNP
SND1150 Maxwell, MichaelLive sound reinforcement : a comprehensive guide to P.A. and music reinforcement systems and technology
SND1150 Maxwell, MichaelThe sound system design primer
SS2001 Hannum, KathrynSocial science research : principles, methods, and practices
SS2300 Stefes, ChristophEnvironment and society : a critical introduction
SS2700 Whitley, MelodyIntroduction to Sociology 3e
SS3110 Carter, AngelaFreedom farmers : agricultural resistance and the black freedom movement
SS3110 Carter, AngelaHealing Grounds : Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming
SS3515 John ArnoldUnderstanding Architecture
SS3750 Wurst, LouAnnInvisible women : data bias in a world designed for men
SS5350 Gabehart, KaylaAn introduction to the policy process : theories, concepts, and models of public policy making
THEA3660 Radcliffe, NicholasStage manager : the professional experience - refreshed
UN1011 Rob BishopThe A Game
UN1015 Smith, ErinHusky Rhetoric
UN1015 Smith, ErinZoom Q2-HD Video Recorder