Class Notes

See what our Michigan Tech alumni are doing.


Frederic Wilson ’71 (Geology) is enjoying his fifth decade at the US Geological Survey (USGS) in Alaska. He recently completed the first geologic map of Alaska in 35 years. It is a fully digital product, designed to be an analytical tool and a printed map. The publication of the map was announced on PBS News Hour and the production process featured in an article on The He is now working on a geologic map of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean.

S. Randin (Randy) ’72 (Mining Engineering) and Marylyn (Cuff) Sandrik are retired and live in Frisco, Texas. They have children living in Alabama (Stephen and Julie) and California (Sara), and their grandchildren are in Alabama.

Improve Your Marriage by Improving Your Golf book cover.Garey Johnson ’72 (Electrical Engineering) wrote a book, Golf and Marriage: Improve Your Marriage by Improving Your Golf.


Rebecca FreundRebecca Freund ’77 (Biological Sciences) moved back to Houghton after a 40-year hiatus since graduating from Tech.



Chris Adams ’81 (Metallurgical Engineering) and wife, Carolyn, retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory after 23 years of service. They are building a home in Dexter, Michigan, and live in Plymouth, Michigan.


Don BraggDon Bragg ’92 ’95 (Forestry), a US Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS) research forester, has been named project leader for two research work units. He will assume leadership responsibilities for the work unit he is currently assigned to, the Southern Pine Ecology research work unit headquartered on the University of Arkansas campus in Monticello, Arkansas. Bragg will also serve as project leader for the Restoring and Managing Longleaf Pine Ecosystems research work unit. Bragg holds a doctorate in forest ecology from Utah State University. He is attending the US Forest Service’s senior leadership program and will graduate in November.


Yooper Talk book cover.Kathryn Remlinger ’95 (Rhetoric and Technical Communication)  published a book, Yooper Talk: Dialect as Identity in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, by the University of Wisconsin Press.


Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones ’98 (Biological Sciences) received her PhD in Water Resource Studies from Michigan State University. She formed a lake restoration company in 2012 called Restorative Lake Sciences.


Matthew Draper ’01 (Mechanical Engineering) and wife, Kelly, welcomed their son, Archer Alexander, February 2016.

Paxton James KontioKatherine Kontio ’02 (Applied Ecology and Environmental Science) and fiancé, Robert Coffelt, welcomed their first child, Paxton James, on May 14, 2017.


Benjamin AlmquistBenjamin Almquist ’04 (Materials Science and Engineering) gave a talk at the 2017 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of New Champions in Dalian, China, on the need to develop new disruptive therapies for healing diabetic foot ulcers and other chronic wounds.


Kennedy Grace ParrottJessica (Kirkpatrick) Parrott ‘04 (Chemical Engineering) and John Parrott Jr. had a masquerade-themed wedding on January 16, 2016, at the Indiana Theater in Terre Haute, Indiana. Jessica has spent 13 years working for Marathon Petroleum and John has spent nine years working for Marathon Pipeline. The couple resides in Lawrenceville, Illinois. The couple proudly announces the birth of their daughter, Kennedy Grace, who was born March 2, 2017. Kennedy was welcomed home by half-brother, Silas Lee Parrott.


Allison LiddleAllison (Michels) Liddle ’05 (Scientific and Technical Communication) is finishing up writing her first book, Life Under Construction: Designing a Life that You Love!. Liddle will travel with John Maxwell and his team to Paraguay in September, serving 10,000 business, youth and government entities to teach them about leadership. Her husband, Tony Liddle ’05 (Business Administration), also owns a nationally awarded financial planning firm called Prosper Wealth Management (


Devin Rose CoffinGarrett Coffin ’05 (Civil Engineering) and Nicole (Carlson) Coffin ‘04 (Social Sciences) welcomed their little Husky, a daughter, Devin Rose, on April 29, 2017, in Plano, Texas.


Ryan Smith ’07 (Chemical Engineering) received his Professional Engineering License (Chemical) from the Texas Board of Professional Engineers on December 11, 2015. His son, Kyle Russell Smith, was born on March 23, 2015, and just turned two years old.

Chris DeDene ‘09 ‘11 (Civil Engineering) and Rita Lederle ‘11 (Civil Engineering) welcomed future Husky, Michael James, into their family November 2016. The family lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, where Chris is a pavement engineer at American Engineering Testing Inc. and Rita is a professor at the University of St. Thomas.


Steve Schaenzer and Anna Miller weddingSteve Schaenzer ‘12 (Mechanical Engineering) and Anna (Miller) Schaenzer ‘12 (Mechanical Engineering) were married on April 22, 2017.


Taylor Driscoll and Josephy Giddings weddingTaylor (Driscoll) Giddings ’15 (Mechanical Engineering Technology) and Joseph Giddings ’12 ‘15 (Marketing, Business Administration) were married in Detroit, Michigan, on June 24, 2017.


Aurora Adelaide HarmonAlanie Harmon ’16 (Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Engineering) and Kaleb Sager announce the birth of their daughter, Aurora Adelaide, born on March 22, 2017.


Thomas Witherspoon ’13 ’14 and his wife, Allycia, welcomed a son, Arliden (Arly) Thomas Witherspoon, on August 25, 2017. The couple met while students at Tech.

Nan (Davis) Pond ’12 and Travis Pond ’10 welcomed their first child, Cyrus James Houghton Pond, on September 8, 2017. The couple met as students at Tech.

In Memoriam

Northern Lights


  • Glenford R. Huber
  • Emil M. Szten


  • Elmer J. Dupuis


  • George M. North III


  • Robert E. Campbell
  • George A. Spratt
  • Martin E. Stuk


  • Elio Argentati
  • Grant K. Cornell, PE, USAFR L/C
  • Russell J. Osterman
  • William D. Smith
  • Clement M. Walker


  • David S. Nancarrow
  • Gayle D. Petrick, PE


  • Hugh M. Vary


  • Richard J. Braun


  • Gilbert G. Gildner
  • Clark A. Lebo


  • Nicholas J. Eck


  • Dale C. Anderson
  • Kauko E. Leppanen
  • Glenn A. Shockley


  • Llewellyn W. Aho
  • Donald R. Stevens
  • Francis J Stifter


  • Vance D. MacDonald, MD


  • Ronald J. Pasquinelli, PE
  • Donald L. Richmond


  • Howard E. Hanson
  • Roger E. Heintz
  • Lloyd D. Johnson
  • Roy H. Miller
  • Robert W. Stenfors
  • Robert D. Wood


  • Richard W. Lemke
  • James J. Russo Jr.
  • Sharon A. White


  • Marlene B. Adams
  • Richard D. Kay
  • Samuel S. Ochodnicky
  • John D. Perry


  • Robert W. Laakso
  • David W. Pray


  • Eugene E. Overmyer Jr.
  • Duane L. Sarkela


  • Robert C. Nelson
  • John S. Voorhees


  • John D. McDaniels Jr.


  • William R. Steeb


  • Dr. Hugh L. Hondorp
  • Richard O. Swanson


  • Warren B. Cummings
  • H. Davis Kuhn


  • Gerald R. Blondin
  • Jeffry M. Vistain


  • Lorraine A. Fowler
  • Marinus L. Wouden


  • Jack R. Cerasoli


  • Roger R. Kolb
  • Robert E. Niemela


  • Steven J. Daavettila
  • Richard J. Srnec


  • Gul S. Goksel


  • Larry R. Coke
  • Robert J. Turnbull


  • Pat D. Peterson


  • Alan L. Mikovits


  • Ray J. Ozols


  • Jennifer L. Hafeli
  • Julian M. Kevianne

Michigan Technological University is an R1 public research university founded in 1885 in Houghton, and is home to nearly 7,500 students from more than 60 countries around the world. Consistently ranked among the best universities in the country for return on investment, Michigan's flagship technological university offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science and technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business, health professions, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and the arts. The rural campus is situated just miles from Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, offering year-round opportunities for outdoor adventure.
