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Materials Characterization
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Miller | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: Northern Michigan University(NMU)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Materials and Manufacturing
General Materials Characterization
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Miller | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: Medical College of Wisconsin
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Health| Materials and Manufacturing
Development of a Joint Modeling- and Experimental-Based Methodology to Evaluate Heat Checking Resistance in Open-Die Forge Tooling
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Joshua Mueller | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: Forging Industry Educational and Research Foundation
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Materials and Manufacturing
Development of High Strength High Toughness Materials for Impulsively Loaded Pressure Vessels
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Joshua Mueller | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: Triad National Security LLC
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Materials and Manufacturing
Congressional Add-Electrification 23
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Paul Bergstrom | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Sponsor: ThermoAnalytics Inc
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Energy & Sustainability| Materials and Manufacturing| Computation| Data| Electronics| and Sensing
Deciphering the relationship between bioresorbable magnesium alloy corrosion and the inflammatory microenvironment of the neotinima
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Jeremy Goldman | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Biomedical Engineering |
Sponsor: Marquette University
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Health| Materials and Manufacturing
Optimization of Metal Manufacturing
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Alexandra Glover | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Joshua Mueller | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: Triad National Security LLC
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Macro Micro and Nano Sciences
Supplying Refined Battery Materials into the United States Electric Vehicle Battery Supply Chain by Synergizing Lithium-ion Battery Recycling with Mine Waste Reclamation (for Cost Share)
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Lei Pan | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Chemical Engineering |
Sponsor: Michigan Economic Development Corp(MEDC)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Energy & Sustainability| Ecology Ecosystems & Environmental Policy
Aluminum Critical Mineral Production via Landfill Mining: Environmental| community| and technical feasibility for integrated multi-material resource recovery
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Paul Sanders | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Timothy Eisele | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Robert Handler | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Jonathan Robins | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: US Dept of Energy/Office of Fossil Energy
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Ecology Ecosystems & Environmental Policy| Energy & Sustainability| Macro Micro and Nano Sciences
Deciphering the relationship between bioresorbable magnesium alloy corrosion and the inflammatory microenvironment of the neotinima
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Roger Guillory | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Biomedical Engineering |
Sponsor: US Dept of Health and Human Services/National Institutes of Health(NIH)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus:
Control of Li Surfaces for Solid-State Batteries
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Erik Herbert | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: UT-Battelle LLC (Manager for US Dept of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Energy & Sustainability, Macro Micro and Nano Sciences
GOALI: Engineering Mechanically Stable Interfaces Through Short-Range Molecular Rearrangement Driven by Inhomogeneous Li lon Transfer Kinetics
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Erik Herbert | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Stephen Hackney | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: National Science Foundation(NSF)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Energy & Sustainability, Macro Micro and Nano Sciences
NSF-BSF: Computation-Guided Advanced Fabrication of Silicide Nanostructures with Novel Magnetic Properties
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Yongmei Jin | |
Co-Principal Investigator: Ranjit Pati | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Materials Science and Engineering |
Sponsor: National Science Foundation(NSF)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Macro Micro and Nano Sciences
DMREF/Collaborative Research: Switchable Underwater Adhesion Through Dynamic Chemistry and Geometry
Investigators | |
Principal Investigator: Bruce Lee | |
College/School: | College of Engineering |
Department(s): | Biomedical Engineering |
Sponsor: National Science Foundation(NSF)
Center/Institute: Institute of Materials Processing (IMP)
Research Focus: Computation Data Electronics & Sensing, Macro Micro and Nano Sciences, Robotics & Mechanics