Dale F. Stein

Dr. Dale F. Stein (BS U Minn, PhD RPI). Dale Stein began his career with the General Electric Company, spending nine years at the Corporate Labs in Schenectady, NY. He then joined the University of Minnesota where he advanced to the rank of professor. He came to Michigan Tech in 1971 as head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering. He was appointed vice president of Academic Affairs in 1977 and took office as president in August 1979, following the retirement of Raymond Smith. Dale retired from Michigan Tech in 1991.
Over the course of his career, Dr. Stein was the recipient of several awards and honors. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, was a recipient of the Hardy Gold Medal from AIME (1965), was named a fellow of both ASM and TMS-AIME, and received the Alfred H. Geisler Memorial Award recognizing an outstanding young materials scientist/engineer from the Eastern NY ASM chapter.
Dr. Stein served on several committees and panels, including the National Research Council, the National Materials Advisory Board, several National Academy of Engineering committees, and the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis. He served as president of the Metallurgical Society of AIME. He was on several boards promoting economic development in Michigan, including the Michigan High Technology Task Force, Michigan Council of Professional, Scientific, and Technical Associations, the Michigan Biotechnology Institute, and the Michigan Molecular Institute.
Dr. Stein was inducted into the Academy of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers as part of the inaugural 1996 class. He and his wife Audrey reside in Tuscon, AZ.