By Janet Callahan
I chose a STEM career. STEM is the acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. I am both an engineer and a scientist; my bachelor’s degree (BS) is in Chemical Engineering, my master’s (MS) in Metallurgy and my doctorate (PhD) is in Materials Science. Like nearly everyone who goes to college, I did not know what I would major in when I began, and didn’t pick my undergraduate major until my junior year of college.
Along the way, I had the benefit of amazing teachers and mentors, who nurtured my developing interests. I wish to acknowledge three teachers in particular who had a profound influence on my interest in learning STEM and in simply, learning.
First and foremost is my doctoral advisor, Donald Potter, who spied me one day returning
from an on-campus interview as I worked to find a full time job as a chemical engineer.
Dr. Potter was always dashing back and forth between his office in IMS and his laboratory
in Bunger Henry, which is how he noticed me returning to my residence hall in my interview
suit. I had enjoyed learning “Introduction to Materials Science” with Dr. Potter as
my instructor the year before. Don took that moment, right then and there, to discuss
graduate school options with me. And as we stood on the sidewalk in Storrs that fall
afternoon, he invited me to join his graduate group, explaining that he would fund
me through a research grant. The rest is history — two years later I received my MS
and decided to stay on for my doctorate in Materials Science. Here are a few articles
about Dr. Potter, mentor, friend, counselor.
Students Gain Valuable Insight in Characterization Lab
Alumni Friends Reconnect – University of Connecticut
The second teacher who had an impact on me in the critical eight grade (where the literature indicates that boys and girls decide for, or against STEM as a career choice), is Mr. Messersmith, who was my 8th grade science and mathematics teacher. I looked him up in 2014 and because he was so inspirational to me in science class, I wrote him a letter, thanking him and telling him what I remembered about him. Below are links to the letter I wrote, and his reply. Thank you Mr. Messersmith.
Mr Messersmith 8th grade science teacher 1974
Finally, I’d like to acknowledge Ms. Alcott, an elementary teacher I had for third
grade. I remember a couple of things about Ms. Alcott. First, she engaged me in reading
aloud to younger children, in other grades. I’m not sure why; I think that she was
using “peer to peer” learning techniques to inspire younger kids to read (decades
later, these techniques arrived in higher education) while also keeping me engaged.
The other thing I remember was how project oriented Ms. Alcott was. For example, she
had everyone in class do an embroidery project; we had a project of making a basket
of flowers, using yarn and burlap for canvas. I imagine this was probably a gift prepared
for Mother’s Day; I do remember them all being displayed and how we used class time
to work on them. I saved it. I have always been very project oriented too; I was very
engaged in crafts as a child, enjoying making things with my hands and my imagination
(crochet, macrame, knitting, sewing, building, blocks, etc.) So Ms. Alcott, and all
her projects, really clicked with me.
Each teacher we have, leaves an impression on us. The most inspiring provide us with material to help us emerge into the vessel we become. I was very fortunate in the teachers who inspired and shaped me in my very early years and in those who helped me in my career path. Thank you, Ms. Alcott, Mr. Messersmith, Dr. Potter and the hundreds others who spent time helping me learn.