The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers exciting programs for both undergraduate and graduate students, while providing the foundation in mathematics that is crucial to the education of Michigan Tech students.
Undergraduate students seeking a bachelor of science in mathematics can choose from six concentrations: actuarial science, applied and computational mathematics, business analytics, discrete mathematics, education preparation and general mathematics. Additionally, the department offers a bachelor of science in statistics as well as mathematics and computer science. The department's course offerings are broad for a university of our enrollment, providing students with the breadth of opportunity associated with much larger educational institutions, along with the personalized attention that is the hallmark of a Michigan Tech education.
In addition to a rigorous curriculum, the department offers a vibrant environment for professional development and scientific discourse. Regular visitors to the department present on the latest research findings in mathematics and introduce students to careers that build upon the knowledge base and skill sets developed in our degree programs. An increasing number of companies are coming to campus to recruit mathematics majors.
Our faculty members also conduct ongoing research on the best mathematical and statistical approaches to problems in a variety of areas. Examples include modeling combustion in diesel engines, using advanced statistics to find the genetic basis of complex diseases, and developing the communications theory needed for future quantum computers. Both masters and doctoral Graduate students contribute to research projects in these and many other areas, while taking advanced course work in applied mathematics, combinatorics, and statistics.