Students working on a rover.
To the Moon—and Beyond

Undergraduate Program

Choose Michigan Tech for unparalleled excellence in mechanical engineering education—with personal attention. Try out new designs, team up with students on innovative projects, and network with companies and industry.

Graduate Program

Join our dynamic graduate program at Michigan Tech to engage issues of critical importance in the MAE industry. We offer eight research focus areas at the forefront of engineering applications and systems. Browse certificates and online options. Pursue a Master's or PhD.

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MAE Magazine

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) reaches for new horizons, embracing excellence and growth with a new name that reflects our growth in aerospace engineering research and degree programs. Explore the MAE Magazine to see what tomorrow needs.

MAE Magazine

“I’ve had the opportunity to complete two internships at Caterpillar as a testing, validation, and design engineering intern within its Paving Products division. I met so many fantastic people. I look forward to returning yet again next summer.”Sophie Bollin ’24, mechanical engineering

MAE Research

Research efforts in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering are at the forefront of innovation in diverse areas, advancing knowledge and technology along disciplinary lines. Explore our Research.