Chair’s Philanthropic Advisory Board Charter


Assist the Department Chair in matters of Fiscal Strategy


Leverage the partnership with leaders in recommending direction and implementation that results in improving fiscal strategy and influence of the MAE Department.

Composition and Selection

Board membership candidates can be submitted by any individual. Membership will consist of individuals, university representatives or government representatives. Self-nominations are also welcomed and accepted. The Board of Directors will review the nominations and make recommendations to the Department Chair based on the criteria given below:

  • Influencers
  • History of support to Michigan Tech
  • Ties with Michigan Tech
  • Knowledge of the Board peer group competitive landscape (other Universities)
  • Minimum $3K donation per year of the Term


Board Membership is by appointment for one four-year term. Exceptions to this can be agreed to by the Department Chair and the Board.

  • The Board will maintain a minimum of six active members
  • A Chair position of the Board will be determined by the Board
  • Meetings should be held quarterly via phone, with one face to face meeting annually (location to be determined)

Strategic Objectives

I. Feedback on department strategy going forward vs. tactical operations

  • Asking/questioning rather than steering

II. Actively assist the Department Chair in fund-raising activities

  • Board members will advise funding opportunities as appropriate
  • Funding appropriations are at the discretion of the Department Chair with annual reporting of how it is to be used
    • Board can provide feedback on use
    • Not earmarked
    • Flexibility with accountability
    • Emergency appropriations should be discussed with the Board