Helena Seiver (Kaplan)

- BS Mechanical Engineering 1994
Helena Seiver (Kaplan) graduated from Michigan Tech with her Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics in 1994. She later went on to the University of Houston to receive her MBA and Master’s in Industrial Engineering, both in 2000.
From being an active student during her time at Michigan Tech to serving in the National Guard and focusing on “building a better future one engineer at a time” through the Seiver Endowment Initiative—which she created with her husband, David—Helena has been a leader in her field for many years.
Currently, Helena is the vice president of group strategic account management for Air Liquide Electronics. She has served many roles within the company since 2001, including but not limited to global account manager, integration manager, and business and financial control manager. She received the 2022 Group Award for Best Account Management in 2022 and was recognized as one of “120 Inspirational Women in AL” for the Group’s 120-year anniversary. Additionally, Helena has served as an active mentor to the next generation women in the company through ALWIN.
Prior to joining Air Liquide Electronics, Helena held roles at ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Gulf Technologies International, Lufkin Industries, and Schlumberger Well Services.
From 1987 to 2001, Helena was an Assistant S-3 for the Military Intelligence Branch where she completed Army Basic Training, two Advanced Training schools and ROTC, an Advanced Leadership Course, and Airborne School. She graduated in the top 10% of all military courses attended.
Helena chose to attend Michigan Tech because she found its engineering program to be the most robust in the state, in addition to its location and proximity to the outdoors. Her favorite memories of her time as a student include cross country skiing, K-Day, Winter Carnival, and the summer she spent in Houghton.
“All my professors really cared about me and wanted me to succeed,” shared Helena when asked how Tech helped her prepare for her career. “They were all kind and supportive - even when they were seeing me every week during office hours.” Helena also credits being encouraged to do summer internships and getting experience before graduating as elements of her career success.
Since graduating, Helena has been an active alumna by hosting alumni events and supporting the University through philanthropy, including the establishment of the Michigan Technological University David & Helena Seiver Scholarship Endowment in 2012.
“I stay engaged with Michigan Tech to help the next generation,” she said. “Others helped me and it is my time to pay it forward.”
Helena is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, and the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
Helena will be inducted into the Michigan Tech Presidential Council of Alumnae in September 2023.
Updated August 2023