Elias C. Aifantis

- Professor Emeritus, College of Engineering
- PhD, University of Minnesota
Currently directing the Laboratory of Mechanics of AUT and coordinating an EU-TMR Network on “Spatio-Temporal Instabilities in Deformation and Fracture” involving seven European laboratories through Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has published more than 300 papers in the areas of mechanics and materials. Several of these publications helped to identify and establish research areas such as double porosity/diffusivity theory, dislocation patterning, strain gradient theory, material instabilities, and nanomechanics. He has edited five books, organized numerous international symposia and conferences, and been invited to present his research on more than 200 occasions. He is co-editor of the Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials, serves on the Advisory Board of the International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, and has served on the Advisory Board of the Journal of Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials and Acta Mechanica. His research and academic activities have been supported by NSF/ARMY/AFOSR/ of US, as well as by the Commission of European Communities of EU.
Areas of Expertise
- Mechanics and Materials Science
Research Interests
- Porosity/Diffusivity theory
- Dislocation patterning
- Strain gradient theory
- Material instabilities
- Nanomechanics