Charles D. Van Karsen

Charles D. Van Karsen


  • Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • MSME, University of Cincinnati


Professor Van Karsen has been a member of the Michigan Tech Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering since August 1987. Prior to that he had a twelve year career as a practicing engineer in the Machine Tool, Automotive, and Software industries.

He specializes in Experimental Vibro-Acoustics, NVH, and Structural Dynamics. His research efforts have concentrated on experimental noise and vibration methods related to automotive systems and subsystems, large home appliances, machine tools, and off-highway equipment.

Chuck regularly presents seminars and short courses on Experimental Modal Analysis, Digital Signal Processing, Acoustic Measurements and Sound Quality, and Source-Path-Receiver methods. At Michigan Tech, Chuck teaches Mechanical Vibrations, Experimental Vibro-Acoustics, Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, and Controls.

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • Vibration
  • Modal Analysis
  • Acoustics

Research Interests

  • Experimental Vibro-Acoustics
  • NVH (Noise, Vibration, and Harshness)
  • Structural Dynamics