Shawn Brueshaber

- 906-487-2901
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Western Michigan University
- Masters of Mechanical Engineering, Western Michigan University
- BS, Aerospace Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Shawn Brueshaber (he/him/his) is a planetary atmospheric scientist and member of the Juno Science Team researching the atmospheric dynamics of the Solar System’s giant planets using global circulation modeling, cloud tracking methods, and analysis of remote sensing data. He uses data acquired from the Hubble Space Telescope, from NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility, and from four instruments onboard the Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting Jupiter.
He earned his Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at Western Michigan University in 2020, his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Western Michigan University in 2008, and his Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1994. Prior to joining the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher in 2020, he spent 21 years designing mechanical products and systems; conducting stress, fluid dynamics/heat transfer, fatigue and fracture analyses in the aerospace, automotive, paper, and pulp, and appliance industries.
Shawn has also taught graduate and undergraduate engineering courses at Western Michigan University. He was awarded Western Michigan University’s All University Graduate Teaching Award in 2017. As a graduate student, Shawn was the recipient of a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (2016–2019) and Western Michigan University’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2019–2020).
In 2020, while still a graduate student, Shawn’s NASA Solar System Workings proposal was selected for funding, which seeks to study convection and vortex formation on Uranus and Neptune. He is currently a Co-Investigator on two Hubble Space Telescope projects, and another on NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility studying Jupiter’s weather and climate. To date, Shawn has published 14 papers in the field of planetary science either as lead author or as a co-author.
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
- Thermodynamics I.
- Material Science
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Interests
- Giant planet (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) atmospheric dynamics
- Convection and storm dynamics in planetary atmospheres
- Remote sensing of planets (telescopic and spacecraft imaging)
- Lake effect snow storms
- Turbulence
- Spacecraft mission development and design
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Remote sensing for amphibian population studies.