Ana Dyreson

- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Associate Research Director, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience (CISR)
- Advisor, Outdoor Venture Crew
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- MS, Mechanical Engineering Northern Arizona University
- BS, Engineering Mechanics, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Dr. Dyreson leads the Great Lakes Energy Group, where she uses energy analysis and grid-scale modeling to study the performance of renewable technologies and the operation of future electric power systems, with a focus on the impacts of climate change on those systems in the U.S. Great Lakes region. Her research links power plant-level thermodynamic models, climate models, hydrology models, and electricity grid operation models to understand how weather and climate change impact future power systems, both as individual components (i.e. snow shedding off of solar panels) and as a whole (balancing hourly grid operations during a heat wave). Dr. Dyreson is passionate about teaching and improving the diversity of Mechanical Engineering as a discipline. Dr. Dyreson has a background in solar energy (PhD Mechanical Engineering, 2018, University of Wisconsin–Madison and MS Mechanical Engineering, 2014, Northern Arizona University) and electricity grid modeling (Post-doctoral researcher 2018-2020, Grid Systems, National Renewable Energy Laboratory). Dr. Dyreson holds a BS in Engineering Mechanics from University of Wisconsin–Madison as a registered Professional Engineer (Wisconsin).
Links of Interest
- Faculty Webpage
- Multi-Sector Dynamics Community of Practice Working Group
- Great Lakes Research Center
- Tech Forward Initiative on Sustainability and Resilience at MTU
- Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience
Areas of Expertise
- Solar photovoltaic and thermal power plants
- Electricity grid operational modeling
- Energy-water nexus
Research Interests
- Impacts of climate change on electric power systems
- Energy transitions in cold climates
- Solar photovoltaic design for cold climates
- Heat pump performance
- Thermal power plant modeling