Agile Interconnected Energy Systems

Agile Interconnected Energy Systems is multidisciplinary research with a broad goal of solving long-term technical challenges of our nation's energy objective through microgrid modeling, control, and optimization.

Agile Interconnected Energy Systems has many research threads focused on achieving a single goal: scalable and flexible energy-resource planning and execution for military and commercial sectors. The areas of research include stability, optimization and control, cyber security, economics, intelligent power electronics, and human factors.

The Great Lakes Energy Group seeks to understand the rapidly changing electricity grid and the ecological and social interconnections of engineered systems. Faculty are involved in the Tech Forward Initiative on Sustainability and Resilience (ISR).

Faculty + Research = Discovery

Our department boasts world-class faculty who have access to numerous innovative research labs and are committed to discovery and learning.

This encompasses a range of research areas, experiences, and expertise related to agile interconnected energy systems. Learn more about our faculty and their research interests:

Research Projects

Our faculty engage in a number of research projects, many of which are publicly funded.

A sample listing of recent research projects appears below. You can also view a broader list of research projects taking place across the mechanical engineering-engineering mechanics department.

Past Projects

“We have an MI RTC, the Michigan Solar Regional Test Center, which is one of five throughout the US. The map shows the five locations of the regional test centers, which are managed by Sandia Labs.”Ana Dyreson, assistant professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering