Compare Four
Your second and third years have distinctive course requirements and electives.
Here we can compare four related majors through select second and third year courses.
Aerospace Engineering
Force systems in two and three dimensions. Includes composition and resolution of forces and force systems, principles of equilibrium applied to various bodies, simple structures, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. Vector algebra used where appropriate. Prerequisite of MA2160 with a grade of C or better is required.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following College(s): College of For Res & Env Sci, College of Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160
ME 2911 - Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Practice II
Students further develop testing and simulation skills as they validate dynamic mechanical and thermal/fluid systems. Course emphasizes application of energy conservation principles to physical engineering systems as well as analysis and communication of data.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-3)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MEEM 2901 or ME 2901) and (MEEM 2201(C) or ME 2201(C)) and (MEEM 2110 or ME 2110)
ME 3750 - Dynamic Systems
This course deals with the modeling, analysis and control of mixed physics systems. It covers differential equation generation for mechanical, thermal, and electrical systems, their simulation, and methods for analyzing their performance operating in both open and closed loop.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MEEM 2700 or ME 2700) and (MA 3520 or MA 3521 or MA 3530 or MA 3560)
AE 2550 - Space Environment & Operation
Introductory course on space environment and operations. Topics include, planetary and space environments, space mission operational aspects and consideration of space and planetary environment. Basics of spacecraft functionality and design considerations will be discussed in the various operational environments.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 1102 and PH 2200
AE 3511 - Spacecraft Engineering Practice
Students will learn processes and concepts necessary to design, build, and integrate spacecraft components into a vehicle while reinforcing fundamental mechanics, dynamics, and thermal concepts through laboratory testing based on Space industry standard testing processes, such as Test Like You Fly philosophy.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): AE 3501
This course addresses the fluid dynamics of gases and convection heat transfer around the aircraft and through propulsion systems. Potential flow, boundary layer, characteristics of laminar and turbulent flows, wall friction, Reynolds analogy, convection heat transfer, and introductory discussion of aircraft dynamics, stability, and control.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): AE 2500 and MA 3160 and (ME 2911 or MEEM 2911)
AE 2500 - Principles of Aerospace Engineering
Introductory course covering the principles of aerospace engineering. Topics include principles of flight, rocketry and propulsion, space mechanics, aerospace materials, introduction to jet engines, basics of space environment and thermal management in space.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 1102
AE 3501 - Aerospace Systems Engineering Practice
This course will introduce Aerospace Systems Engineering. Topics covered include requirement flow-down, validation and verification methods, operations, FMEA, risk mapping, interface control definitions, design reviews, project phases and life cycle, documentation, traceability and application of standards.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): ME 2150 and ME 2700 and ME 2911(C) and AE 2500 and AE 2550
Mechanical Engineering
Force systems in two and three dimensions. Includes composition and resolution of forces and force systems, principles of equilibrium applied to various bodies, simple structures, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. Vector algebra used where appropriate. Prerequisite of MA2160 with a grade of C or better is required.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following College(s): College of For Res & Env Sci, College of Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160
ME 2150 - Mechanics of Materials
Introduction to mechanical behavior of materials, including stress/strain at a point, principle stresses and strains, stress-strain relationships, determination of stresses and deformations in situations involving axial loading, torsional loading of circular cross sections, and flexural loading of straight members. Also covers stresses due to combined loading and buckling of columns.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following College(s): College of For Res & Env Sci, College of Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MEEM 2110 or ME 2110
ME 2201 - Introductory Thermodynamics
This course introduces concepts of energy, energy conversion, mechanisms of heat and work transfer in processes and in cycles. It also covers the first and the second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisite of MA2160 with a C or better is required.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following College(s): College of Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 and CH 1150 and CH 1151
ME 3201 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer
Course emphasizes internal flow and modes of heat transfer: control volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy, pipe and duct flow, dimensional analysis, steady and unsteady heat conduction, internal convection and application of boundary conditions, and simple heat exchanger design.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MEEM 2201 or ME 2201) and (MEEM 2911 or ME 2911) and MA 3160
ME 3400 - Machine Design and Analysis
In this course, students apply concepts from previous classes to design and analyze mechanical systems using solid elements, bolted joints, welds, springs, spinning shafts, bearings, and gears. Students use case studies to develop relationships between design and performance.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Robotics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MSE 2100 and (ENG 2120 or MEEM 2150 or ME 2150) and (MEEM 2700 or ME 2700)
ME 3750 - Dynamic Systems
This course deals with the modeling, analysis and control of mixed physics systems. It covers differential equation generation for mechanical, thermal, and electrical systems, their simulation, and methods for analyzing their performance operating in both open and closed loop.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MEEM 2700 or ME 2700) and (MA 3520 or MA 3521 or MA 3530 or MA 3560)
ME 2911 - Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Practice II
Students further develop testing and simulation skills as they validate dynamic mechanical and thermal/fluid systems. Course emphasizes application of energy conservation principles to physical engineering systems as well as analysis and communication of data.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-3)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MEEM 2901 or ME 2901) and (MEEM 2201(C) or ME 2201(C)) and (MEEM 2110 or ME 2110)
Electrical Engineering
EE 2174 - Digital Logic and Lab
Introduces analysis, design, and application of digital logic. Includes Boolean algebra, binary numbers, logic gates, combinational and sequential logic, storage elements and hardware-description-language based synthesis.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-2)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): CS 1121 or CS 1131 or CS 1111
EE 3140 - Electromagnetics
Covers basic principles of engineering electromagnetics with an emphasis on Maxwell's equations.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): PH 2200 and MA 3160 and (EE 2110 or EE 2112)
EE 3901 - Design Fundamentals
The design process; includes team design activities and studies project management, ethics, and professionalism.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
- Pre-Requisite(s): EE 2112 or (EE 2180 and EE 3010) and UN 1015
Materials Science and Engineering
MSE 2110 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering II
Course is designed to address core competencies in the materials discipline. Topics include crystallography, structure description and quantification, crystal imperfections, phase diagrams, microstructure, and an introduction to the use of computing tools and software in materials science and engineering.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-3)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MSE 2100 or BE 2800) and (ENG 1100 or ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T)
MSE 3100 - Materials Processing I
Classical chemical thermodynamics is applied to single and multicomponent materials systems. Topics include heat and mass balance, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, chemical reactions and equilibria, mass action, solution thermodynamics, and phase diagram.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (4-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): (MY 2100 or MSE 2100 or BE 2800) and MA 2160
MSE 3120 - Materials Characterization I
Fundamentals of microstructural and chemical characterization of materials. Examines the physical principles controlling the various basic characterization techniques. Topics include crystallography, optics, optical and electron microscopy, and diffraction. Laboratory focuses on proper operational principles of characterization equipment, which includes optical and other microscopy methods and various diffraction techniques.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-1-3)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): MSE 2110(C)
MSE 3140 - Design of Microstructure
Relates thermodynamic and kinetic principles to phase transformations and microstructural evolution. Topics include nucleation, solidification, precipitation, recrystallization, and grain growth. Applications of these concepts (e.g., heat treatment, casting, deformation processing, powder processing, etc.) are presented to provide a bridge between phase transformation theory and industrial/laboratory practice.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): MSE 2110 and MSE 3100 and MSE 3120 or (MSE 3121(C) and MSE 3122(C))
MSE 3160 - Electronic, Magnetic, Optical, and Thermal Properties of Materials
An introduction to electronic, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of materials and their use in engineering applications. Topics include descriptions of the constitutive behavior that describes material response, and common techniques used for the fabrication of electronic, optical, and magnetic devices.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman
- Pre-Requisite(s): PH 2200
Review Sample Plans for Course Sequences
Advisors create typical four-year outlines to help you understand course requirements,
electives, pre-requisites, and credit loads.
These depend on the year you enroll, or your audit year. Students can take courses in the summer, if needed.