Thank you for visiting the website of the Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology at Michigan Technological University.
I began my career with an Engineering Technology degree before pursing graduate degrees in Occupational Education and Curriculum and Instruction. Academic credentials are crucial to success, but industrial experience is the most valuable asset for teaching in MMET. As a CAD Designer and prior to that a Mechanical Layout Drafter, I earned valuable experience in product and tool design.
I enjoy mentoring faculty and staff to create a cohesive team to prepare MMET graduates to meet industry 4.0 challenges. As an executive committee member of the Engineering Technology Division (ETD), and the Engineering Technology Council of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), I am committed to promoting quality education and creative endeavors in engineering technology. I am an advocate for our Mechanical Engineering Technology graduates who earn the rewards that an engineering profession offers.
Feel free to contact us, or better yet, come for a campus visit to see the Machine Shop and Additive Manufacturing Lab. Once again, thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to see you again soon.
John L. Irwin, EdD