Survey Vessel Husky Traveler

Michigan Tech’s Survey Vessel, the Husky Traveler, is instrumental in field truthing satellite derived data. The vessel is outfitted to help with field data collection that assists in submerged aquatic vegetation, bathymetry, and bottom-type mapping in the Great Lakes.

Person on the boat.

It uses include bathymetry mapping, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation verification, mapping and quantifying HABs, and coastal vegetation characterization. The boat is equipped with a Lowrance depth sounder and side scan sonar.

The Husky Traveler allows for the verification of the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation mapping programs at MTRI. Parameters such as water clarity and vegetation presence are measured at various locations in the Lower Great Lakes.

Map showing aquativ vegetation types.
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation map derived from Landsat 5 satellite imagery.

Calibration and validation for bathymetric and bottom type mapping can easily be collected using the Husky Traveler in the Great Lakes. MTRI is using these data and satellite imagery to map bathymetry for the National Park Service in the Great Lakes.

Sensor under water.
Side Scan Sonar Sensor
Sonar output.
Image of Side Scan Sonar
Bathymetry map.
Example Bathymetry Map for Glen Haven, Michigan Area
Map with colored lines.
Calibration Data and Husky Traveler Route Map
Map with colored ares noting depth.
Bathymetry Interpolation from Calibration Data

Vessel Emergency Information

Boat Description

Name: SV Husky Traveler
Hull Color: White
Cabin Color: N/A
Length: 17 feet
Hull ID Number: N/A
Federal ID#: N/A

Boat Power

Engine Type: Outboard
Engine Horsepower: 90 hp
Number of Engines: One
Fuel Capacity: 40 gallons

Survival and Emergency Equipment

PFDs: Yes
Flashlight: Yes
On-Board Cell Phone: No
Marine Radio: Yes, VHF 156-158 MHZ
Immersion Suits: No
Flares: Yes
Life raft: No
Smoke Signals: No
Distress Signal Light: No
