MichiganView is a statewide consortium of academic, non-profit, and governmental member institutions. The basic mission of the program is to promote use and further the science of remote sensing technologies in Michigan. This mission is achieved through programs and services that emphasize education, training, and research.
MichiganView is a state member of the national AmericaView program. MichiganView was approved as an associate state member in February 2007, and became a full member in February 2009, with Michigan Technological University/MTRI as the lead organization.
- Provide a comprehensive directory of the educational resources and research activities related to remote sensing available in and around Michigan
- Establish easy access for individuals and organizations to no-cost and low-cost remote sensing datasets of Michigan and the surrounding Great Lakes.
- Provide a freely available repository for spectral signatures collected on minerals and vegetation within Michigan. This spectral library will enable improved classification of remote sensing images of Michigan
- Host workshops to promote the use of remote sensing technology in Michigan
- Integrate land remote sensing into routine operations of government, commerce, and industry
- Conduct pilot research to develop practical applications of land remote sensing to support commerce, agriculture, and industry
The website for MichiganView includes sections on:
- Overview of MichiganView
- Research Resources
- Educational Resources
- Dataset Access Links
- Member Organizations
The website is implemented using Wiki technology so that any registered user can contribute information to the website. Future website plans include:
- Continuing to adding remote sensing-related content
- Providing direct access to remote sensing datasets hosted by the MichiganView consortium members
Current MichiganView Consortium Members
Academic Members
Michigan Technological University (Lead Institution)
- Michigan Tech Research Institute
- Remote Sensing Institute
University of Michigan
- Environmental Spatial Analysis Laboratory
Michigan State University
- Center for Global Change and Earth Observation
Western Michigan University
Non-profit Members
Great Lakes Commission
Governmental Members
NOAA Great Lakes CoastWatch Node
USGS Michigan Water Science Center