Membership in MTTI

Who We Are

The hub for transportation activities on campus.

What We Offer

Opportunities for networking, project and proposal management, and research funding for members.

Our Results

Over $51,639,290 in awards since inception, making lasting contributions to the nation's transportation systems.

MTTI is allocated Institutional Research and Development (IRAD) funds by the Office of the Vice President for Research used for MTTI operating expenses and for strategic investment. The goal of the Institute’s director and executive committee is to utilize these resources to expand MTTI membership by providing researchers with supplemental initiative funding for broadening their areas of expertise.

Initiative funding includes, but is not limited to; support for pre-award research or capacity building such as data collection, proof of concept, student support, staff support, equipment, travel and proposal development support. Funding may also be used as cost share in those cases where matching funds are mandatory.


MTTI membership is available to all Michigan Tech faculty and staff involved in or pursuing transportation related MTTI activities. Activities include externally funded research, education, training, product development, outreach or technology transfer.

Membership Types

Members are classified into two groups: Principle Members and Affiliate Members. All others who seek to participate in a MTTI activity are eligible to be Friends of the Institute. Membership definition can be found in the MTTI Bylaws.


Member Meeting