Cyndi Perkins

Cyndi Perkins


  • Associate Director of Communications, University Marketing and Communications


An award-winning editor, journalist, and columnist, Cyndi generates and manages key communications projects that tell the story of Michigan Tech on digital and print platforms. A story shepherd who thrives on collaboration, her superpowers include content strategy and editorial management. She finds work-life balance in the garden, on her yoga mat, and anywhere near the water.

About Cyndi

  • The former Daily Mining Gazette journalist and editor hails from Houghton and has written for a variety of international, national and regional publications.
  • Specializing in compelling storytelling and cohesive on-brand messaging, the Michigan Tech alumna manages, writes, and edits content across university platforms, from webpages to MTU News.
  • A novelist active in the Upper Peninsula Authors and Publishers Association, the Authors Guild member looks forward to writing more books—and to camping trips in her RV with husband Scott and Goldendoodle Max.

Recent Stories 

A professor writes equations on a whiteboard while a student looks on.

Michigan Tech Expands Data Science Programs to Meet Demand

The potential power of environmental data science hit David Flaspohler, dean of Michigan Tech's College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES), about four years ago during a conversation with his daughter. She was in the computer science Ph.D. program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology doing research that involved predicting the location of deep-sea thermal vents. The vents lie hundreds of feet below the surface of the Gulf of California in complete darkness, where they support a unique ecosystem. Read More

Two Michigan Tech Researchers work on making personal computing devices safer in the lab focused on security and privacy at Michigan Tech.

2024 Bhakta Rath Award Recipients Help Keep Sensitive Data Safe

Michigan Technological University cybersecurity expert Bo Chen and his graduate student mentee Niusen Chen, as well as the researchers who collaborated with them, are the first to develop the capability for plausibly deniable encryption (PDE) for everyday computing devices. The breakthrough was achieved through careful consideration of the unique software and hardware components in the electronic devices that many of us regularly use. These include flash storage and security architecture such as TrustZone, the latter of which is designed to isolate and protect sensitive information stored on a device. Read More

Six wolves pack up on Isle Royale National Park, site of Michigan Technological University's predator-prey study now in its 65th year.

Wolf Population Stabilizes, Moose Decline Slows

Michigan Technological University’s annual winter study is a major component of the Isle Royale Wolf-Moose project. The longest-running predator-prey study in the world, the project is led by Sarah Hoy, John Vucetich and Rolf Peterson of Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES). It has taken place every year since 1958 with the exception of 2021, when it was canceled due to COVID-19. Read More

Spring Commencement graduate student speaker Zazil Santizo- Huerta and undergraduate student speaker Vincent Barfield, left, share a moment under the new Alumni Gateway Arch, which will be dedicated on Friday, April 26, along with a ribbon-cutting for the University’s new H-STEM Engineering and Health Technologies Complex.

MTU Class of 2024 Celebrates Spring Commencement

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Chang K. Park, who graduated from Michigan Tech in 1973 with dual degrees in electrical engineering and engineering administration, is the featured commencement speaker at ceremonies on Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. Zazil Santizo-Huerta, who is earning her Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, will address her fellow graduate students. Vincent Barfield, completing a dual major for his bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science, will deliver the undergraduate address. Read More

Undergraduate researcher Abe Stone records application of a native fungi on invasive buckthorn trees in a forest near Michigan Technological University.  Stone is looking for effective ways to slow the spread of invasive buckthorn trees, which are rapidly altering the Midwest landscape.

Fungus Among Us: MTU Student Using Native Fungi to Weaken Invasive Trees

On a metal counter in Michigan Tech’s forest microbiology lab, a dozen clear glass flasks agitate on a shaker. Each is about one-eighth full of small, saffron-yellow gelatinous balls — solid globs of the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum growing in a malt-extract solution. Abe Stone, propagator of the mycelium, stands nearby, regarding the fresh batch of fungi balls with a satisfied smile. Read More

ROTC cadets running down a dirt road.

Leaders of the Pack

To civilians, it might be challenging to distinguish between the Arctic Warriors, US Army ROTC 1st Arctic Battalion, and Guardians of the North, US Air Force ROTC Detachment 400, without seeing them in dress uniform. The programs share a building, several traditions, and the common goal of graduating Huskies as commissioned officers. Each program fosters a close community that encourages and celebrates both group and individual accomplishments. Read More

Processing a sample in the COVID-19 testing lab.

Research in Focus: H-STEM Rising

One of the guiding principles of the H-STEM Complex's design is that those within and outside will be able to witness teams working together in shared, flexible, collaborative lab spaces—perhaps the most visual definition in Michigan Tech history of how interdisciplinary research works at the University. But the cohesive elements of Michigan Tech's overall health research, teaching, and outreach strategy, which have also been building momentum, are already abundantly clear. Read More