Nathan Black
- Instructor
- Department Website/Social Media Contact
- ndblack@mtu.edu
- Fisher 105
- Postdoctoral Fellow
- mchoud3@mtu.edu
- Fisher Hall 227A
Research Interests
- Computational Nanoscience
- Computational Physics
- Research Associate
- Postdoctoral Fellow
- ssingh45@mtu.edu
- Fisher 201 F
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Cloud Microphysics
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer

Wil Slough
- Director of First-Year Programs
- wjslough@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2273
- Fisher 221
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- xwang32@mtu.edu
- Dow 305
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Very/Ultra High Energy Gamma-Rays
- Postdoctoral Associate, Physics
- nbakca@mtu.edu
- Fisher 124A
- Project Management
- Product Development & Commercialization
- Analytical Testing
- Assay Design & Assay Development
- Instrumentation
- Troubleshooting
- Lab Experience
- Validation
- Problem Solving
- Team Leadership
- Multi step synthesis
- Grant & Proposal Writing
- Research Assistant Professor
- jyeom2@mtu.edu
- Fisher 201F