Astrophysics and Particle Astrophysics

Apply physical laws to the working of the cosmos, and work in the largest laboratory there is: the universe itself. Through the study of astrophysics, researchers learn about the origin, structure, evolution, and ecology of the universe and its constituents. By combining astrophysics and elementary particle physics, Michigan Tech researchers can also study high-energy radiation—such as gamma rays, neutrinos, and cosmic rays—and cosmic constituents like active galactic nuclei and super-massive black holes.

With so many mysteries of the universe left unsolved, astrophysics and particle astrophysics aims to make sense of phenomena ranging from the smallest atomic particles to the universe’s largest galaxies.


Faculty Areas of Interest
Cosmology; Neutrinos Cosmology; Large-scale structure and Cosmic Microwave Background radiation; Dark energy and dark matter models; Machine Learning applied on cosmological Challenges; Computer vision and deep learning; Bayesian analysis; Predictive Modeling
Gamma-Ray Emission; High-Energy Cosmic Rays
Active galactic Nuclei; High-Energy Astrophysics; Blazars; Multimessenger Methods; Theoretical Astrophysics; Analytic & Semi-Analytic Methods; Astrophysical Software
Gamma-ray bursts; Gravitational lensing; Smartphones as science sensors; Cosmology; Gravitation; Relativistic Illumination Fronts


Amjoch Observatory

Atlantic Mine
Researcher: Chris Middlebrook


Fisher B005
Researchers: Petra Huentemeyer

Auger Lab (global project)

Researchers: Brian Fick

Positions Available


All faculty members accept undergraduate student researchers into their labs. For more information, please contact Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer.


The Department of Physics seeks qualified applicants in all areas of physics for GRA and GTA positions. For more information, please contact the graduate program directors.