Model the Earth’s atmosphere—and the atmospheres of other planets—in order to solve some of the most vexing problems facing environmental scientists today. Using state-of-the-art equipment, researchers at Michigan Tech model cloud processes including turbulence from bottom- to top-of-troposphere atmospheric conditions.
Research in atmospheric physics is focused on obtaining a deeper understanding of the physics of clouds, how they form, how they evolve, how they rain, and how they dissipate. With advanced optical and analytic tools, atmospheric physicists at Tech aim for a deeper understanding of this critical natural system.
Faculty | Areas of Interest |
PI Cloud Chamber
DOW 105
Researcher: Raymond Shaw
Environmental Optics Lab
Fisher B004/B022
Researcher: Claudio Mazzoleni

Pi Chamber

Cloud Chamber

Physics of Cloud Mixing
Positions Available
All faculty members accept undergraduate student researchers into their labs. For more information, please contact Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer.
The Department of Physics seeks qualified applicants in all areas of physics for GRA and GTA positions. For more information, please contact the graduate program directors.