The Board of Trustees of Michigan Tech has approved degree programs since 1916. The
approval process for academic programs currently involves the provost's office, deans and graduate faculty councils, university
senate, and additionally for degree programs, the Board of Trustees and Michigan Association
of State Universities.
This reference is to provide a history of programs offered by Michigan Tech, and not
all programs listed are currently active. For active degree programs refer to our
list of Majors, Degrees, and Programs.
The starting point was a list developed in 1991 and continually updated for Michigan
Tech’s Board of Control (BOC) by Helene Hiner in the Office of the Provost. The list
was extended by researching additional sources including:
- a two-page paper list found in the Office of Student Records and Registration (OSRR)
vault of degrees conferred and year in which each degree was added.
a black three-ring binder, Degrees Conferred By Name,1888-1974, found in an
Office Student Records and Registration storage room (since relocated to the OSRR
vault) which included original listings of names of graduates with specific degrees
conferred for those years.
Degrees offered from each catalog (located in OSRR vault) excluding missing
volume from 1943-1944 (possibly not printed due to WWII shortages?).
Board of Control Minutes books (located in the Administration Building, fifth floor
“Courses” section, Abstract of the Proceedings of the Michigan College of Mining
and Technology, Annette L. Sibilisky, 1935 (located in the Administration
Building, fifth floor vault).
- Faculty Senate Minutes (University Senate web site).
- Yellow shaded cells have information that differs from our central database.
- Any program codes with "-X" are not official codes but were made up in order to refer
to a program without a code elsewhere (e.g., if a program had been renamed from an
older program)
- Programs marked as "inactive" are those that had been offered at one point but are
no longer listed as an option to current students but have not been formally shelved
or eliminated. The "End Date" for inactive programs is the last time the program was
listed as a student option (i.e., last year degree audits existed for the program,
or last year the program was listed in the student catalog).
For additional information, please contact the Provost’s Office.