Exceptional Opportunity Hires

Growing an R1 Faculty


Office responsible for final approval:  Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Michigan Tech intends to hire exceptional faculty who help us achieve our educational and research missions. In most cases this is achieved by conducting national searches to fill faculty positions. In exceptional instances, a hiring can occur through the creation of a position outside of normal university processes that benefits the long-term goals of the institution and will significantly enhance the academic reputation of the college and university. The exceptional opportunity hires program can also be used if the recruitment or retention of an exceptional faculty member necessitates creation of a faculty position for their partner.

Decisions on creating a position for a faculty exceptional opportunity hire are made by the provost. Faculty exceptional opportunity hires are achieved through a Faculty Exceptional Opportunity Hire search waiver. When an opportunity is to be pursued, the provost will sign the Faculty Exceptional Opportunity Hire Search Waiver Form for compliance review by EOC. The level of opportunity that a hire presents will be set very high, and waivers granted under this program will be rare. Opportunities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 


Requests to consider the establishment of a position to support a faculty exceptional opportunity hire are made by a department chair (colleges without departments) through the dean’s office of the relevant college to the provost. The request needs to be accompanied by a justification, resume for the person involved, potential sources of funding for the position, and any other documentation that is relevant to the hiring decision process. Approval occurs in two stages: 1) approval to pursue and 2) approval to proceed with a formal job offer.

Step 1 - approval to pursue

The chair (colleges without departments) completes the Faculty Exceptional Opportunity Hire Search Waiver Form (see below) and sends the completed form, accompanying justification, and CV to the their dean. If the respective dean, EOC, and the provost approve step 1, the signed form will be returned to the department, with copies to the dean and EOC, to begin moving forward with pursuing an opportunity. These steps may include inviting the candidate to discuss a possible position and arranging meetings with various individuals to determine essential duties of the position that fulfills the needs of the university. No commitment or promises are made to the potential hire prior to the issuance of an approved formal job offer. 

If a relevant search is already in process, the candidate would apply for the posted position. 

Step 2 - approval to proceed with a formal job offer

As indicated in step 2 of the form, should the initial approval result in a recommendation to make a formal offer for employment, the department chair (colleges without departments) submits the previously approved Faculty Exceptional Opportunity Hire Search Waiver Form and hiring packet materials to their dean. As the packet is approved, the respective office will sign the form and send it to the next level approver.

Faculty Exceptional Opportunity Hire Search Waiver Form
