Initiatives led by the provost's office, organized by academic year.
Curriculum Roadmap Working Group - charged with developing a roadmap to the future undergraduate curriculum offerings at Michigan Tech. This initiative spanned 2023-2024 & 2024-2025.
One Hundred PhD Working Group - charged with identifying additional opportunities and strategies for graduate student recruiting, developing competitive contracts and funding for graduate students, reviewing the investments of institutional resources in graduate education, and enhancing the graduate experience at Michigan Tech.
Academic Advising Working Group - charged with reviewing Michigan Tech's current advising model to make recommendations that would increase equity among academic advisors and equity in the student experience.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group - charged with identifying ways in which Michigan Tech can best prepare students for a workplace with AI and maintain an adaptive web-based set of resources for faculty, staff, and students.
Curriculum Roadmap Working Group - charged with developing a roadmap to the future undergraduate curriculum offerings at Michigan Tech. This initiative will span 2023-24 & 2024-25.
- Working Group's Final Report - 2023-2024
Michigan Tech's Policies & Procedures on Master's Degrees - an ad hoc working group was convened to consider a variety of issues concerning graduate education at the masters level at Michigan Tech in order to facilitate the use of graduate certificates as subunits of a masters degree (stacking).
Commencement 2.0 - tasked with considering a graduate-specific ceremony and outlining a vision and timeline for any changes based on recommendations and feedback about shortcomings of the existing commencement process for students and their families.
Digital Badging - tasked with making recommendations on how to implement digital badging at Michigan Tech.
At the beginning of academic year 2018-19, the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs formed three task forces to assist in leading a series of discussions relating to the future of Michigan Tech - an initiative the President is calling Tech Forward. These task forces included:
Diversity Council - charged with providing prioritized recommendations for efforts/actions that will improve campus diversity, inclusion, and climate.
Task Force on Innovation - charged with engaging in open-ended, blue-sky thinking regarding ways in which Michigan Tech can improve the ways in which the University meets the educational needs of current and prospective students, including but not limited to availability, accessibility, and convenience.
Task Force to Improve Student Success and Retention - charged with examining student success/retention and graduation rates of undergraduate students at Michigan Tech with the goal of increasing both.