Goltz, S.M. (2023). An analysis of types and targets of coercive interference. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/teo0000232
Goltz, S.M. (2023). Team spiritual power: A resource for managing toxic leadership. Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion. https://doi.org/10.51327/LUQX56612
Reinsch, R., Goltz, S.M., & Bakpayev, M. (2023). Appropriation of likeness and informed consent in the age of surveillance capitalism. Southern Law Journal
Sotorin, P.J. & Goltz, S.M. (2023). Mid-career faculty peer mentoring: Rationale and program design.New Directions for Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/he.20467
Goltz, S. and Sotirin, P. (2022), "Considering the corporeal to facilitate research to practice transitions", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 115-134. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-02-2021-0033
Lehman, E., Colbert, K., Goltz, S., Mayer, A., & Rouleau, M. (2022). Effects of repeated implicit bias training in a North American university. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360080X.2022.2145927
Goltz, S. M. & Sotirin, P. “Considering the Corporeal to Facilitate Research to Practice Transitions.” Academy of Management Proceedings. Published Online: 26 Jul 2021 https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.16406abstract
Minerick, A.R. M.D. Koretsky, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Language, Concepts, and Intent Mapped through History” Chemical Engineering Education, Invited Guest Editorial, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2021.
Pathak, S., & Goltz, S.M. (2021). An emotional intelligence model of entrepreneurial coping strategies. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 27(4), 911-943.
Sotirin, P. & Goltz, S. M. “Embodiment and Women in STEM: A Proposal.” Academy of Management Proceedings. Published Online: 26 Jul 2021 https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.16478abstract
Goltz, S. (2020). On power and freedom: Extending the definition of coercion. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 43, 137-156
Reinsch, R., Goltz, S.M., & Hietapelto, A. (2020). Student evaluations and the problem of implicit bias. Journal of College and University Law, 45(1), 114-140.
Goltz, S.M., Mayer, A.L., & Orr, B.D. (2020). Applied behavior analysis as a development tool: Examples from agroforestry. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/10549811.2020.1730906
Bal, T. L., & Sharik, T. L. (2019). Image Content Analysis of US Natural Resources-Related Professional Society Websites with Respect to Gender and Racial/Ethnic Diversity. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 360–364. https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvz023
Bal, T. L., & Sharik, T. L. (2019). Web Content Analysis of University Forestry and Related Natural Resources Landing Webpages in the United States in Relation to Student and Faculty Diversity. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 379–397. https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvz024
Sotirin, P., & Goltz, S. M. (2019). Academic dual career as a lifeworld orientation: A phenomenological inquiry. The Review of Higher Education, 42(3), 1207-1232.
Mayer, A. L. (2017). A scientist on any schedule. Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 355(6323), 426–426. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.355.6323.426
Goltz, S. (2005). Women’s appeals for equity at American universities. Human Relations (New York), 58(6), 763–797. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726705057173
Other Conference Presentations / Papers
Minerick, A. R., & Goltz, S., & storer, A., & Sotirin, P. (2024, February), Adoption of an Advocates and Allies Program to a Predominantly STEM Campus Paper presented at 2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD), Arlington, Virginia. 10.18260/1-2--45429
Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Boston, MA. April 19-22, 2023.
Colbert, Karen (2023, February 17). Faculty Equity and Support in CommuChicago, ILnity Colleges [Panel session]. Achieving the Dream, , United States.
Colbert, Karen (2023, June 21). Quantitative Methods Guide in Measuring Repeated Implicit Bias Training. [Keynote Address]. Johns Hopkins University Center for Teaching, Excellence & Innovation Introduction to Education Research Workshop, Baltimore, MD, United States.
Colbert, Karen (2023, July 20). Moving from Surviving to Thriving: Bridging Equity barriers for Faculty in Tribal Communities.[Keynote Address] American Indian College Fund Tribal College Faculty Research Convening, Denver, CO, United States.
Lehman, Betsy & Elizabeth Veinott (2023) Questioning in sensemaking: When counterfactual strategies are effective, Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting 2023 (https://sjdm.org/) November 17-20, 2023, San Francisco
Minerick, A.R., S.M. Goltz, A.J. Storer, P.J. Sotirin, G.J. North, H.T. Finch (2023). Placing Data in the Hands of Chairs & Deans: The ADVANCE Faculty Equity Query Tool (AFEQT). Workshop ARC/ Equity in STEM Community Convening, Durham, NC. May 2023.
Minerick, A.R., S.M. Goltz, A.J. Storer, P.J. Sotirin (2023). ADVANCE @ Michigan Tech’s focus on retention via mid-career mentoring, majority allyship, and department chair professional development. Poster ARC/ Equity in STEM Community Convening, Durham, NC. May 2023.
Goltz, S. (2022). Coercion is Going Undercover: Can Behavior Analysis Unveil the Disguise? Invited presentation at the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis, Reno, Nevada, October 15, 2022.
Lehman, B., Colbert, K., Goltz, S., Mayer, A., & Rouleau, M. (2022). Effects of repeated implicit bias training in a North American university. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 45(3), 306-322.
Lehman, B., & Veinott, E. S. (2022). Changing Perspectives: Examining Factors Related To Counterfactual Thinking In Ambiguous Social Judgments. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/58n9z3fg
Lehman, B., & Veinott, E. (2022, March 29). Easy Does It: Ease of Generating Explanations and Ambiguity Increase Questioning One’s Frame During Sensemaking [Poster presentation]. Graduate Research Colloquium, Houghton, MI, United States.
Lehman, B., & Veinott, E. (2022, April 1). Changing Perspectives: Examining Factors Related To Counterfactual Thinking In Ambiguous Social Judgments [poster presentation]. Computing[MTU] Showcase, Houghton, MI, United States.
Lehman, B., & Veinott, E. (2022, May 26-29). Taking It Easy: Ease of Generating Alternative Explanations As A Mediator Of Counterfactual Reasoning In Ambiguous Social Judgments. APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Lehman, B., & Veinott, E. (2022, July 27-30). Changing Perspectives: Examining Factors Related to Counterfactual Thinking In Ambiguous Social Judgments. CogSci 2022 Convention, Toronto, Ont.
Lehman, B. & Veinott, E. (2022, October 10). Counterfactual Thinking as a Strategy for Questioning a Frame: Experimental Results. Computing[MTU] Showcase, Houghton, MI.
Colbert, K.M. & Lehman, B. “Cultural Competence Effects of Repeated Implicit Bias Training.” Graduate Research Colloquium, Michigan Tech, April 1-2, 2021.
ENTERED. Goltz, S.M. & Minerick, A. (2023). ADVANCE at Michigan Tech: Letting the Data Speak.
An AAAS session proposal was submitted for the AAAS annual conference. Minerick, A., Goltz, S., Sotirin, P. Storer, A. Development and Adoption of an ADVANCE Faculty Equity Query Tool (AFEQT), Proposal submitted and under review, 2023 AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of Science, March 2-5, 2023, Washington, DC.