Meet Our Leadership Team
- Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- 906-487-2440
- Administration Building 505A
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Forest insect ecology
- Insect/fungus/plant interactions in forest ecosystems
- Impacts of exotic species on forest ecosystems
- Interactions among fire, insects and disease in forests
- Urban forest health
- Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
- Interim Chair, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Professor, Physics
- 906-487-3007
- Admin 413A
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Atmospheric Science
- Cloud and aerosol physics and chemistry
- Nucleation
- Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
- Dean of the Pavlis Honors College
- Associate Professor, Humanities
- 906-487-3046
- M&M 722-I
Research Areas
- Educational Innovation
- Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
- Writing Program Administration
- Facilitate implementation of Michigan Tech’s undergraduate curriculum
- Support ongoing growth in the Pavlis Honors College
Meet Our Administrative Team

Jean Straw DeClerck
- Assessment Manager, Office of Assessment for Curricular Effectiveness
- 906-487-3041
- Van Pelt and Opie Library 218
Links of Interest
- Manages learning-goal assessment systems for both General Education and undergraduate degree programs.
- Assists faculty in planning learning-goal assessment approaches intended to reveal opportunities to help students.
- Promotes collegial, knowledge-sharing initiatives to improve instructional practices and student-learning-goal achievement across disciplines.

Alexandria Guth
- Director of Academic Accreditation and Compliance
- 906-487-2097
- Administration Building 506
- Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) to the Higher Learning Commission
- Manages accreditation and compliance processes for online programs and courses
- Geoscience Education

Heather Harry
- Finance and Planning Analyst
- 906-487-3457
- Administration Building 402
- Budget monitoring and planning for the student side of academic affairs
- Assist Senior Finance and Planning Analyst with special projects
- Manage and administer graduate student support

Robyn Johnson
- Business Systems and Data Analyst
- Administrative lead for faculty reporting via Digital Measures
- Faculty training and technical support
- Data quality and consistency assurance

Amie Ledgerwood
- Assistant to the Provost & Senior VP for Academic Affairs
- 906-487-2440
- Administration Building 505
- Academic Affairs Support
- Coordinate faculty promotion, tenure and reappointment process
- Manage logistics for provost's office

Alan Ollanketo
- Senior Finance and Planning Analyst
- 906-487-1018
- Administration Building 504
- Budget analysis
- Analysis of Provost's initiatives
- Analysis of data to create and communicate statistical information to the Board of Trustees
- Assistant Provost for Faculty Development
- Professor, Mathematics Education
- Director of Teacher Education, Psychology and Human Factors
- 906-487-1126
- Meese Center 103
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Mathematics Teacher Noticing
- Mathematics Teaching Practice
- Teacher Professional Development

Shannon Vairo
- Manager, Partner Engagement & Faculty Support
- 906-487-3148
- 145 Admin
- Partner Engagement Program
- Visiting Professor Program
- Assists with tracking and monitoring of endowed positions
- Provides support to the Assistant Provost for Faculty Development