Several resources are available to faculty which have information specific to Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment. They are grouped below for ease of access.
Faculty Handbook
Chapter 2 : Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment
Appendix I: Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment Procedures
Appendix L: Changes in Instructional-Track Faculty and Non-Tenure-Track Instructor Appointments
Board of Trustees Policy
Policy 2.2: Duties and Powers of the President
Policy 6.4: Academic Tenure and Promotion
Additional Resources
Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment required documents
Review and promotion process:
Tenure/Tenure-Track Faculty
Unit’s TPR Committee Reviews File
- Required memo to faculty supervisor (chair or dean)– Evaluation of academic performance* and progress
towards tenure. Clearly states recommendation regarding reappointment (when applicable).
This document is added to the faculty member’s file.
- Interim Reviews (typically years 1, 3, 5**): committee comments on faculty member’s progress toward tenure.
- Major Reviews (typically years 2 & 4**): committee comments on whether faculty member merits reappointment.
- Optional notification to faculty – Notification according to charter guidelines that the committee has completed its review.
Supervisor (Chair or Dean) Reviews File
- Prepares Form A or C, Form E, and draft reappointment letter (when applicable).
- Meets with faculty member to discuss performance review. Faculty member acknowledges receipt of review.
- Required memo to College Dean (N/A if supervisor is the college dean) – Evaluation of academic performance* and recommendation regarding reappointment (when applicable). This document is added to the faculty member’s file.
- Optional notification to faculty (N/A if supervisor is the college dean) – Notification according to department charter guidelines that the file has moved on for consideration by the college dean.
Dean Reviews File
- Attends to Form A or C and Form E (N/A if supervisor is the college dean).
Required memo to provost – Evaluation of
academic performance* and recommendation regarding reappointment (when applicable). This document is added to the faculty member’s file.
Required memo to faculty member (with copy to department chair) – Written communication of the dean’s recommendation to the provost regarding reappointment (when applicable). Copy is added to the faculty member’s file.
Optional notification to faculty member – When the recommendation is negative and the faculty member makes a request, the dean may submit a written statement justifying recommendation that specifies performance deficiencies.
Provost Reviews File
Attends to Form A or C.
Required: Provost makes recommendation to president.
Required: President will inform provost of decision.
Major Reviews: president communicates positive reappointment recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Required memo to faculty member – Provost notifies faculty member of the recommendation.
Interim Reviews: Materials are sent to HR. Cognizant dean is notified of approved interim reviews.
Optional notification to faculty member – When the decision is negative and the faculty member makes a request, the provost may submit a written statement specifying where the faculty member’s performance is deficient.
Board of Trustees acts on recommendation
- Additional information about this process is available in Michigan Tech’s Faculty Handbook and in each individual unit’s charter.
- For major reviews, a face‐to‐face meeting between the faculty member and their dean may be held to enhance each faculty member’s potential for success.
- *Evaluations should summarize strengths & weaknesses in research/scholarship, teaching, and service/leadership.
- **Years on the tenure clock; should an extension of the tenure clock be granted, the years listed may be delayed because of the extension.
Candidate prepares binder
- in Consultation with Chair/TPR Committee & Submits it for Review
- Optional Discussion – with candidate. Department Chair & TPR Committee provide constructive feedback on strength of the application.
- Note: For non‐mandatory reviews, candidates should consult the Faculty Handbook (Appendix I: Section 5.6 or 6). Candidates are entitled to seek promotion or early tenure regardless of feedback.
- Candidate’s Department Identifies External Evaluators
- Chair solicits external evaluations according to department charter and emphasizes TPR confidentiality.
Department TPR Committee Reviews Binder & External Evaluation Letters
- Required memo to department chair – Evaluation of academic performance.* Clearly states recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – Notification according to department charter guidelines that the committee has completed its review.
- Note: In the case of early tenure review, the candidate will be notified of the committee vote and may decide to stop the process. While they may withdraw at any point, once materials go to the department chair, candidates will be ineligible for tenure review until their mandatory year.**
Department Chair Reviews Binder
- Required memo to College TPR Committee – Evaluation of academic performance.*
- Clearly states recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – Notification according to department charter guidelines that the binder has moved on for consideration by College TPR Committee.
College TPR Committee Reviews Binder
- Required memo to dean – Recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion with a report of the committee conclusions*, reporting a vote if such took place; all members of the committee will sign the report. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
College Dean Reviews Binder
- Optional – Dean may request additional/clarifying information from candidate, external reviewers, department TPR committee, department chair, and/or college TPR committee.
- Required memo to provost – Recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Required memo to candidate with copy to department chair – Written communication of the dean’s recommendation to the provost. Copy is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – When the recommendation is negative and the candidate makes a request, the dean may submit a written statement justifying recommendation that specifies performance deficiencies.
Provost Reviews Binder
Required: Provost makes recommendation to president.
Required: President will inform provost of the recommendation to be presented to the Board of Trustees. When the recommendation is positive, the president communicates this to the Board of Trustees for their action.
Required memo to candidate – Provost notifies candidate as to whether tenure and/or promotion will be recommended to the Board of Trustees.
Optional notification to candidate – When the recommendation is negative and the candidate makes a request, the provost may submit a written statement specifying where the candidate’s performance is deficient.
Board of Trustees acts on recommendation
There is no prescribed timeframe for promotion from Associate Professor to Professor.
Candidate’s binder comprises items listed in the “Faculty Checklist for Promotion and Tenure”.
Additional information about this process is available in Michigan Tech’s Faculty Handbook and in each individual unit’s charter.
*Evaluations should summarize strengths & weaknesses in research/scholarship, teaching, and service/leadership.
**As specified in the Faculty Handbook. It is recognized that some units may extend the unofficial review window through the chair review.
Candidate prepares binder
- in Consultation with Dean and TPR Committee & Submits it for Review
- Optional Discussion – with candidate. Dean & TPR Committee provide constructive feedback on strength of the application.
- Note: For non‐mandatory reviews, candidates should consult the Faculty Handbook (Appendix I: Section 5.6 or 6). Candidates are entitled to seek promotion or early tenure regardless of feedback.
- Candidate’s Dean Identifies External Evaluators
- Dean solicits external evaluations according to department charter and emphasizes TPR confidentiality.
TPR Committee Reviews Binder & External Evaluation Letters
- Required memo to dean – Evaluation of academic performance.* Clearly states recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – Notification according to college charter guidelines that the committee has completed its review.
- Note: In the case of early tenure review, the candidate will be notified of the committee vote and may decide to stop the process. While they may withdraw at any point, once materials go to the department chair, candidates will be ineligible for tenure review until their mandatory year.**
Dean Forwards Binder (Without Comment), Inter-college Committee Reviews Binder
- Required memo to dean – Recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion with a report of the committee conclusions*, reporting a vote if such took place; all members of the committee will sign the report. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – Notification according to college charter guidelines that the committee has completed its review.
College Dean Reviews Binder
- Optional – Dean may request additional/clarifying information from candidate, external reviewers, department TPR committee, department chair, and/or college TPR committee.
- Required memo to provost – Recommendation regarding tenure and/or promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Required memo to candidate – Written communication of the dean’s recommendation to the provost. Copy is added to the candidate’s binder.
- Optional notification to candidate – When the recommendation is negative and the candidate makes a request, the dean may submit a written statement justifying recommendation that specifies performance deficiencies.
Provost Reviews Binder
Required: Provost makes recommendation to president.
Required: President will inform provost of the recommendation to be presented to the Board of Trustees. When the recommendation is positive, the president communicates this to the Board of Trustees for their action.
Required memo to candidate – Provost notifies candidate as to whether tenure and/or promotion will be recommended to the Board of Trustees.
Optional notification to candidate – When the recommendation is negative and the candidate makes a request, the provost may submit a written statement specifying where the candidate’s performance is deficient.
Board of Trustees acts on recommendation
There is no prescribed timeframe for promotion from Associate Professor to Professor.
Candidate’s binder comprises items listed in the “Faculty Checklist for Promotion and Tenure”.
Additional information about this process is available in Michigan Tech’s Faculty Handbook and in each individual unit’s charter.
*Evaluations should summarize strengths & weaknesses in research/scholarship, teaching, and service/leadership.
Instructional-Track Faculty:
Candidate Prepares Promotion File
- in Consultation with supervisor and unit’s TPR Committee and submits it for review
Unit’s TPR Committee Reviews File
- Required memo to supervisor – Evaluation of academic performance.* Clearly states recommendation regarding promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s file.
- Optional notification to candidate – Notification according to charter guidelines that the committee has completed its review.
Department Chair and/or College Dean Reviews File
- Supervisor prepares Form E, Form L, and draft letter of promotion. Completed documents are added to candidate’s file.
- Required memo to Dean (N/A if supervisor is the college dean) – Evaluation of academic performance and recommendation regarding promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s file.
- Non-supervising dean attends to Form L.
- Required memo to Provost – Evaluation of academic performance and recommendation regarding promotion. This document is added to the candidate’s file.
- Required memo to candidate – Written communication of the dean’s recommendation to the provost. Copy is added to the candidate’s file.
- Optional notification to candidate from dean – Notification according to department charter guidelines that the file has moved on for consideration by the college dean.
Provost Reviews File
Attends to Form L.
Required: Provost makes recommendation to president.
Required: President will inform provost of the decision.
Required memo to candidate – Provost notifies candidate as to the promotion decision.
Optional notification to candidate – When the decision is negative and the candidate makes a request, the provost may submit a written statement specifying where the candidate’s performance is deficient.
- NOTE: There is no prescribed time to consideration (e.g. years since appointment) for promotion path of instructional-track positions.
- A complete promotion file comprises all items listed in the “Checklist for Teaching Professor Rank Promotions”.
- Additional information about this process is available in Michigan Tech’s Faculty Handbook and in each individual unit’s charter.
- *Evaluations should summarize strengths & weaknesses in research/scholarship, teaching, and service/leadership.
Admin and Committee Resources
- Admin Checklist
- Confidentiality Statement
- Virtual Binder Navigation Help
- See the HR Page for forms and sample letters
- COVID Impact Statement - Guidance for Reviewers
- Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Review - Updates for Assistants
- Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Review - Information for Reviewers
- Reviewer Info
- Recording, MTU login required