Graduate Program Information

The Department of Psychology and Human Factors offers a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science degree in Applied Cognitive Sciences and Human Factors (ACSHF), Accelerated Masters ACSHF, and a Graduate Level STEM Education program option designed to expand your STEM expertise. We also provide Teacher Education Development opportunities.

Research sitting behind monitors in a booth observing participants in research.

Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors—MS, PhD

The ACSHF program is research-intensive and interdisciplinary, wedding psychology, engineering, human-computer interaction, and usability. Research bridges the gap between basic and applied science to address real-world problems.

Participant sitting with head in a device that tracks eye movement while looking at a monitor.

Accelerated Masters ACSHF

Majoring or minoring in Psychology? Want to increase your competitive advantage in the job market, but don’t have time for a two-year MS-thesis program? Consider an Accelerated MS in ACSHF. Enhance your bachelor’s degree with an applied cognitive science and human factors focus.

Student at a dig site holding up an artifact.

Teacher Professional Development

Designed for current 6-12 science and math educators for professional advancement and teaching certificate renewal credits. Courses are offered online during the school year or as one or two week summer institutes.

Three female students sitting at a computer.

Graduate Certificate: Post-Secondary STEM Education

Designed for anyone holding a bachelor degree in a STEM related field that wants to work at the college or university level. With this certificate, graduates may teach at the post-secondary level, work with STEM curriculum assessment and development, and/or conduct education-related STEM research. The certificate is comprised of 13 credits.