ACSHF Faculty

Primary Program Faculty

  • Department Chair and Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Computer Science

Research Interests

  • Basic and applied attention
  • Models of attention
  • Human performance in aviation
  • Display design
  • Tech adoption
  • Technology training
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • User experience
  • Human factors
  • Human-computer Interactions
  • Mental models
  • Information representation
  • Rural digital literacy
  • Education, engagement, and retention
  • Digital anthropology 
  • Professor of Psychology, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Computational Modeling
  • Recognitional Decision Making
  • Perceptual and Memory Processes
  • Representations of Cultural Knowledge
  • Assistant Professor, Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Injury/Illness Prevention
  • Implementation Science
  • Information Design
  • Risk Assessment and Communication 
  • Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
  • Graduate Program Director, Psychology and Human Factors

Links of Interest

Lab Website

Research Interests

  • Cognitive Aging
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Motor Learning
  • Sensorimotor Control
  • Memory
  • Cognitive Control
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Coordinator, College of Computing Learning Center

Area of Expertise

  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Science Education
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Director, Center for Human-Centered Computing

Research Interests

  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Learning and Video Games for STEM
  • CSCW
  • Structured Analytic Techniques
  • Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Dynamic Decision Making
  • Cognitive Process Models
  • Gamification
  • AI Ethics, Explainability, & Model Selection
  • Applied Decision Science

Allied Faculty

  • Professor Emerita, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Motivation Science
  • Self-Efficacy
  • Impact of Values on Behavior
  • Cognitive Dissonance
  • Individual Differences in STEM Learning
  • Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
  • Affiliated Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests

  • Mobility and postural control in aging and special populations
  • Ergonomics and design of built environments for special populations
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science and Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Human-Computer Interaction/ Human-Robot Interaction
  • Auditory Displays/ Sonification
  • Affective Computing/ Emotional Design
  • Automotive User Interfaces
  • Assistive Technology for Special Populations
  • Aesthetic Computing/ Media Art
  • Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Faculty Advisor, Husky Game Development Enterprise

Area of Expertise

  • Computer Graphics
  • Virtual Environments
  • Head-mounted displays
  • Human Perception
  • Associate Professor, Computer Science
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
  • Faculty Advisor, Humane Interface Design Enterprise

Links of Interest

Area of Expertise

  • Mobile App Design and Usability
  • Software Development and Processes
  • Computer Science Education
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Cognitive demand of physical tasks
  • Cognitive state assessment
  • Multitasking
  • Sustained attention
Charles Wallace
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool."
—Richard Feynman
  • Professor, Computer Science
  • Associate Dean for Curriculum & Instruction, College of Computing
  • Affiliated Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors

Links of Interest

Areas of Expertise

  • software usability & accessibility
  • gerontechnology
  • smart & connected communities
  • communication in software development
  • agile development methods
  • applied formal methods
  • computing ethics
  • sustainable computing
  • computer science & software engineering education
  • Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Psychology and Human Factors

Research Interests

  • Study of Expertise
  • Perceptual-Cognitive Skills
  • Training
  • Skill Acquisition
  • Applied Cognition
  • Cognitive Engineering
  • Human Factors
  • Sports Science