Activities for Well-being and Success

Activities for Well-being and Success courses are worth 0.5 or 1 credit, and grades are not counted toward a student’s overall GPA. A total of 3 credits must be successfully completed to meet Essential Education requirements.

Under the Essential Education program, Activities for Well-being and Success courses expand beyond physical education and consist of four categories:

  • Physical Well-being: Activities that focus on improving physical health, whether individual or on a team.
    Well-being factors promoted: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and behavioral
  • Creative Expression: Activities that focus on making, creating, or expressing as an act of creativity.
    Well-being factors promoted: emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and behavioral
  • Mental/Emotional Well-being: Activities that directly address and focus on mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and behavioral well-being.
    Well-being factors promoted: emotional, spiritual, social, and behavioral
  • Success: Activities that focus on leadership, as well as student and career success.
    Well-being factors promoted: emotional, intellectual, social, occupational, and behavioral

Activities for Well-being and Success

Required: 3 credits minimum

Students may take any combination of courses on the Activities for Well-being and Success course list to satisfy the 3-credit requirement; there is no need to take courses from each of the above categories.

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
AF1120 Physical Conditioning1
AF1130 Air Force Elite Workout1
AF1340 Field Training1
AR1001 Introduction to the Army w/Lab1
AR1003 Foundations of Leadership w/Lab1
AR2068 Fall Military Physical Conditioning1
AR2069 Spring Military Physical Conditioning1
AR3068 Physical Training Leadership I1
AR3069 Physical Training Leadership II1
ART1850 Special Arts Activities for Wellness + Success1
ART1855 Special Arts Workshop for Wellness + Success0.5
ENT3953 Ignite: Ideate, Innovate, Create!1
ENT3959 Fundamentals of Six Sigma1
ENT3961 Building and Leading Teams1
ENT3963 Deliver: Explore, Develop, Execute!1
ENT3964 Project Management1
ENT3971 7 Habits of Highly Effective People1
ENT3982 Continuous Improvement Using Lean Principles1
ENT3983 The Culture of Continuous Improvement1
FW3620 Field Ornithology1
HON1150 Launch Your Journey1
MUS1510 Huskies Pep Band1
MUS1511 Campus Concert Band1
MUS1530 Workshop Brass Band1
MUS1570 Private Music Instruction1
MUS2530 R & D Jazz Band1
MUS2580 Concert Choir1
MUS3500 Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra1
MUS3510 Superior Wind Symphony1
MUS3530 Jazz Lab Band1
MUS3580 Chamber Choir1
MUS4510 Chamber Music Ensemble1
MUS4530 Jazz Combovar
PE1000 Fitness Foundations1
PE1010 Active Michigan Tech1
PE1028 Ski Patrol (Hill)1
PE1101 Team Sports1
PE1102 Hockey1
PE1103 Bait and Fly Casting1
PE1105 Bowling1
PE1106 Golf1
PE1108 Broomball1
PE1109 Aikido1
PE1113 Disc Sports1
PE1115 Beginning Swimming1
PE1116 Intermediate Swimming1
PE1117 Fitness Swimming1
PE1118 Weight/Fitness Training1
PE1119 Conditioning1
PE1120 Beginning Alpine Skiing (Downhill)1
PE1121 Beginning Snowboarding1
PE1123 Telemark Skiing1
PE1124 Intermediate Alpine Skiing (Downhill)1
PE1125 Intermediate Snowboarding1
PE1126 Advanced Skiing1
PE1127 Advanced Snowboarding1
PE1128 Alpine Skiing Fusion1
PE1129 Snowboard Fusion1
PE1135 Cross Country Skiing1
PE1138 Racquet Sports1
PE1140 Tennis1
PE1142 Introduction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu1
PE1145 Rifle Marksmanship1
PE1146 Billiards1
PE1148 Skating1
PE1150 Lifetime Activities1
PE1152 Social Dance1
PE1153 Zumba1
PE1154 Aerobics1
PE1155 Road Biking1
PE1156 Mountain Biking1
PE1165 Rowing1
PE1167 Beginning Yoga1
PE1169 Indoor Cycling1
PE1170 TaeKwonDo1
PE1175 Hiking1
PE1177 Fundamentals of Laser Tag1
PE1205 Special Topics0.5
PE1209 Intermediate Aikido1
PE1210 Special Topics1
PE1220 Introduction to Canoeing1
PE1225 Indoor Rock Climbing1
PE1230 Introduction to Kayaking1
PE1235 Introduction to Log Rolling1
PE1240 Snowshoeing1
PE1242 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu II1
PE1245 Wilderness First Responder1
PE1250 Paintball1
PE1267 Intermediate Yoga1
PE1270 Cardio TaeKwonDo1
PE1277 Strategies of Laser Tag1
PE1330 Club Sports1
PE1342 Intro to Kickboxing1
PE1367 Mindful Yoga1
PE1425 Intramurals1
PE1430 Club Sports Leadership1
PE1435 Self-Defense for Women1
PE1436 Self-Defense for Men1
PE1442 Kickboxing II1
PE1450 Physical Education Fusion - Full1
PE1451 Mountain/Road Bike Fusion1
PE1470 Lifeguard Swimming1
PE1480 Water Safety Instructor1
PE2010 Varsity Football1
PE2020 Varsity Basketball1
PE2030 Varsity Hockey1
PE2040 Varsity Nordic Skiing1
PE2050 Varsity Soccer1
PE2080 Varsity Track1
PE2090 Varsity Tennis1
PE2130 Varsity Volleyball1
PE2140 Varsity Cross Country1
PE2150 Cross Training1
PE2160 Varsity Esports1
PE2210 Special Topics in Physical Education1
PSY1100 Building Emotional Resilience1
PSY1101 Enhanced Performance through Biofeedback/MSPE1
PSY1102 Practical Approaches for Emotional Regulation1
PSY1103 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)1
PSY1104 Motivation through Self-Compassion1
PSY1105 Foundations of Well-being1
SA1000 Exploring Majors1
SND1570 Private Mixing Lessons0.5
SND2663 Career Development1
SND2664 Career Development: AES National1
SND2665 Career Development: AES Student Summit1
THEA2600 Acting Practicum1
THEA2610 Entertainment Tech Practicumvar
THEA2663 Career Development1
THEA3650 Portfolio Development1
UN1000 Frameworks for Success for ExSEL1
UN1010 Creating Your Success for Themed Communities1
UN1011 Strategies for Success1
UN1020 Husky Connect Success1
UN3023 Advanced Portfolio for Essential Ed1