Distribution Pathway

The Distribution Pathway offers a high degree of flexibility and a more customizable experience within the Essential Education curriculum. Students will be required to complete 18 credits with the following course distributions.

This pathway is often considered by students with transfer credits. Transfer students are advised to work with their academic advisor to explore options and make a best-fit decision that suits each individual’s unique situation and interests.

Communication Intensive

Required: 3 credits

Comm Int
Course Number Course Title Category Credits
AF3001 Leading People and Effective Communication
CH3124 Communication for the Chemical Sciences
HU2500 Writing About Literature
HU2510 Intro to Creative Writing
HU2810 Research & Writing in Communication
HU2830 Public Speaking & Multimedia
HU2840 Interpersonal Communication and Technology
HU3015 Advanced Composition
HU3105 Writing about Numbers
HU3120 Technical and Professional Communication
HU3130 Rhetoric of Science and Technology
HU3140 Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
HU3151 The Rhetoric of Everyday Texts
HU3160 Rhetoric and Culture of Games
HU3283 German Composition and Conversation
HU3293 Level II-C Spanish Composition & Conversation
HU3514 Workshop Creative Nonfiction
HU3515 Workshop in Poetry
HU3516 Workshop in Fiction
HU3517 Literary Theory and Criticism
HU3518 Workshop in Sci Fi Writing
HU3519 Workshop in Nature Writing
HU3606 Editing
HU3692 Writing for Scientific Audiences
HU3693 Science Writing for Public
HU3694 Grant Writing
HU3698 Writing for Health/Medical Audiences
HU3699 Health/Medical Writing for Public Audiences
HU3825 Environmental Communication
HU3832 Virtual Encounters
HU3845 Human-Machine Communication
HU4625 Risk Communication
MA4945 History of Mathematics
SND4120 Transducer Theory
SS3240 Reading the Landscape
SS3420 Imaginary Worlds: Geographies of Science Fiction and Fantasy
SS3501 Making History
SS3520 U.S. Environmental History
SS3535 History of Privacy
SS3552 Renaissance & Reformation
SS3950 Topics in American History
SS3951 Topics in European History
SS3952 Topics in World History
SS4001 History of Social Thought
SS4040 Civic Communications
SS4540 Global Environmental History
SS4550 History of Technology
THEA1170 Voice and Movement
THEA2310 Drafting for the Entertainment Industry
THEA2470 Voice Acting Fundamentals
THEA3320 Lighting Design

Arts and Culture

Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
ART1100 Drawing I
ART1110 Art + Design Studio
ART2100 Drawing II
ART2110 Art on Site
ART2140 Ceramics I
ART2145 Beginning Wheel Throwing
ART2170 Fiber Arts
ART2195 Art and Flora
ART2350 Scenic Art & Scenic Illustration
ART2950 Creative Campus: Local Arts Immersion
ART3130 Creative Drawing II
ART3140 Creative Ceramics
ART3145 Ceramic Sculpture
ART3410 Contemporary Sculpture Studio
ART3850 Special Topics: Artvar
ART4410 Advanced Sculpture Studio
ART4440 Advanced Ceramics
ART4450 Advanced Creative Drawing & Painting
HU2501 American Experience in Literature
HU2538 British Experience in Literature
HU2548 Young Adult Literature
HU2633 Fundamentals of Digital Imaging
HU2645 Graphic and Information Design
HU3241 Level II-A Less Commonly Taught Languagesvar
HU3242 Level II-B Less Commonly Taught Languagesvar
HU3281 Level II-A German Language & Culture
HU3282 Level II-B German Language & Culture
HU3285 Level III German Film & Media
HU3291 Level II-A Spanish Language & Culture
HU3292 Level II-B Spanish Language & Culture
HU3327 Film Style and Genre
HU3503 Special Topics in Literature and Culture
HU3504 Studies in the Novel
HU3505 Special Topics Literary Forms
HU3506 Major Authors
HU3509 Studies in Drama
HU3513 Shakespeare
HU3557 Literature and Science
HU3630 Publication and Information Management
HU3700 Philosophy of Science
HU3701 Philosophy of Technology
HU3702 Philosophy of Religion
HU3704 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
HU3705 Media and Communication Ethics
HU3711 Biomedical Ethics
HU3802 Media and Globalization
HU3852 See and Be Seen: Data, Surveillance & Society
HU3872 Machines in the Mist: Visuality and Culture
HU3882 Media Industries
HU4327 Multimedia Storytelling
HU4370 Documentary Workshop
HU4642 Advanced Topics in Media
HU4701 Political Philosophy
MUS1100 Western Music Fundamentals
MUS1580 Group Voice
MUS2000 History of Classical Music
MUS2001 Film Music
MUS2020 History of Rock
MUS2030 History of Jazz
MUS2040 Music and Tradition
MUS2103 Jazz Theory and Aural Skills
MUS3020 Beatles and Beach Boys
MUS3130 Jazz Improvisation
MUS3210 Electronic Music: History and Practice
MUS3850 Special Topics: Musicvar
MUS4130 Jazz Arranging
PSY2082 Psychology of Friendship
PSY2083 Psychology of Happiness
PSY2600 Death and Dying
PSY3880 Psychology of Social Media
SND1101 Introduction to Music Mixing
SND1102 Intro to Audio Production
SND3850 Special Topics: Soundvar
SS2510 Gender and the Past
SS3513 History of Making Things: Craft and Industry in America
SS3530 The Automobile in America
SS3540 History of Michigan
SS3580 Technology and Society in History
SS3581 History of Science
SS4200 Environmental Anthropology
SS4220 Archaeological Thought in Society
SS4552 Historical Archaeology
SS4553 Material Culture Studies
SS4600 Indus & Historical Archaeology
SS4990 Directed Study in Anthropologyvar
THEA3400 Acting II
THEA3850 Special Topics: Theatrevar
THEA4400 Acting: Shakespeare
THEA4402 Musical Theatre Performance

Intercultural Competency (3000-4000 level)

Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
ART3180 Color and Creativity: Exploring the Power of Color
ART3420 World Sculpture Traditions
BL3970 Current Health Issues
EC3100 International Economics
EC4710 Labor/Human Resource Economics
FW4111 Indigenous Natural Resources Management
HU3135 Power and Bias in Technology Design
HU3261 Communicating Across Cultures
HU3262 Topics in Francophone Cultures
HU3263 Topics in German-Speaking Culture
HU3264 Topics in Spanish-Speaking Culture
HU3284 Level III German Literature & Culture
HU3294 Hispanic Literatures and Culture
HU3296 Survey of Hispanic Literatures and Cultures
HU3326 Topics in World Cinema
HU3400 Topics in Diversity Studies
HU3401 Gender and Culture
HU3502 Mythology
HU3507 Cultural Traditions in Literature
HU3508 Literature and the Environment
HU3545 Literature across Borders
HU3554 Science Fiction
HU3710 Engineering Ethics
HU3800 Media and Society
HU3830 Creativity, Culture, & Change
HU3850 Automated Culture: Critical Approaches to AI
HU3855 Power, Activism, and Technology
HU3860 Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
HU3871 Media Theory
HU3950 Sound and Culture
HU4271 Modern Language Seminar I-French
HU4272 Modern Language Seminar II-French
HU4281 Modern Language Seminar I-German
HU4282 Modern Language Seminar II-German
HU4283 Modern Language Seminar III-German
HU4291 Modern Language Seminar I-Spanish
HU4292 Modern Language Seminar II-Spanish
HU4293 Modern Language Seminar III-Spanish
HU4725 Existentialism and Phenomenology
MGT3000 Organizational Behavior
MGT4100 International Management
MKT4300 Global Marketing
PSY3340 Psychology of Race
PSY3720 Social Psychology
PSY4340 Culture and Cognition
SS3105 Native American and Indigenous Communities
SS3110 Food Systems and Sustainability
SS3225 Capitalism and the Modern World
SS3260 Latin American Cultural History
SS3542 History of Detroit
SS3612 International Relations
SS3640 Selected Topics in Cyber-Law
SS3660 Constitutional Law
SS3661 Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
SS3665 Crime, Incarceration, and Policy
SS3750 Social Inequality
SS3805 Environmental Justice
SS3811 Energy Security and Justice
SS3920 Topics in Anthropology/Archaeology
SS3961 Preparing for Cross-Cultural Immersion Experiences
SS4211 Ethnographic Methods
SS4420 Memory and Heritage
SS4450 Sustainable Tourism and Planning
SS4710 Geographies of Migrant and National Communities
THEA3201 Theatre History
THEA3230 Costume History
THEA3330 Costume Design


Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
All Math
All Natural and Physical Science
ACC2000 Accounting Principles I
ACC2100 Accounting Principles II
ACC3000 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC3500 Managerial Cost Accounting
BL2000 Biology of Movement and Meditation
BL3001 Emergency Medical Technician 1
CS1111 Programming in C/C++
CS1121 Introduction to Programming I
CS1122 Introduction to Programming II
CS1131 Accelerated Introduction to Programming5
DATA1200 Data Science with Python
DATA2201 Foundations of Data Science
EET1121 Circuits I (plus EET1122)4
EET1411 Basic Electronics4
ENG1102 Engineering Modeling and Design
FIN4000 Investment Analysis
FIN4200 Derivatives and Financial Engineering
FIN4500 Risk Management
FIN4600 FinTech Foundations
FIN4700 Global Finance
FW3075 Introduction to Biotechnology
GE1200 Intro to Data Sci Earth Resources1
GE2010 Intro to GIS
KIP1500 Foundations of Kinesiology
KIP3100 Exercise Assessment and Prescription
MIS2000 IS/IT Management
MIS2100 Intro Bus & Analytics Program
MIS3100 Bus Database Modeling & Mgt
MIS3200 Systems Analysis and Design
MIS3500 User-Centered Design
MIS4000 AI & Emerging Tech in Business
MIS4200 Management of Cyber Security
OSM3000 Operations & Supply Chain Management
OSM3600 Procurement & Supply Management
PSY3060 Brain and Behavior
SAT1610 Computer and OS Architecture
SAT2711 Linux Fundamentals
SND1150 Sound Technology
SND4121 Transducer Theory Lab
SS2050 Fundamentals of GIS
SS3221 Archaeological Sciences (plus SS3222) 4
SS3510 History of American Technology
SS3511 History of Science in America
SS3800 Energy Policy and Technology


Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
All Foundations Courses
All Arts and Culture Courses
All Communication Intensive Courses
All Intercultural Competency Courses
AR2001 Leadership and Ethics w/Lab2
AR2002 Army Doctrine and Decision Making w/Lab2
BL2001 Valuing the Great Lakes
BL3090 Spirituality in Healthcare
BUS2200 Business Law
CS3000 Ethical and Social Aspects of Computing
EC3002 Microeconomic Theory
EC3003 Macroeconomic Theory
EC3300 Industrial Organization
EC3400 Economic Decision Analysis
EC4050 Game Theory/Strategic Behavior
EC4400 Banking and Financial Institutions
EC4500 Public Sector Economics
EC4620 Energy Economics
EC4630 Mineral Industry Economics
EC4640 Natural Resource Economics
EC4650 Market Failure and the Environment
ENG2060 Facilitating Group Learning1
ENG3060 Developing Mentoring Skills1
ENG4060 Leadership in Group Environments1
ENT2961 Teaming in the Enterprise2
ENT2962 Communication Contexts1
ENT3958 Ethics in Engineering1
FIN4300 Personal Financial Planning
FW3313 Sustainable Science
GE2100 Environmental Geology
HF3850 Human Factors
HF4015 Cognitive Task Analysis
HON2150 Know Yourself1
HON3150 Pavlis Seminar II1
HON3350 Navigate Your World
HON4150 Pavlis Seminar III1
HON4350 Tell Your Story
HU2600 Introduction to Writing in Science & Technology
HU2646 Writing with Web Technologies
HU3121 Advanced Technical Writing
HU3295 Level III Advanced Spanish for Literacies
HU4628 Usability Evaluation and Testing
HU4635 Principles of User Experience Design
HU4890 Topics in Communication
IS2002 International Studies in situ - Social & Behavioral Sciencevar
KIP2600 Introduction to Public Health
KIP3700 Lifetime Fitness
MGT2000 Team Dynamics
MGT3100 Leadership Development
MGT3650 Intellectual Property Management
MGT3800 Entrepreneurship
MGT4300 Developing Entrepreneurial Ventures
MGT4600 Management of Technology and Innovation
MGT4650 Commercialization of Advanced Technologies
MKT3000 Principles of Marketing
MKT3200 Consumer Behavior and Culture
MKT4100 Sales and Sales Management
PSY2010 Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond
PSY2080 Special Topics in Psychologyvar
PSY2081 Psychology of Video Games
PSY2110 Educational Psychology
PSY2400 Health Psychology
PSY2800 Critical Thinking for Social and Behavioral Sciences
PSY2900 An Introduction to Restorative Practices
PSY3010 Theories of Personality
PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology
PSY3200 Motivation and Emotion
PSY3400 Developmental Psychology
PSY3600 Cognitive Psychology
PSY3700 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
PSY3800 Environmental Psychology
PSY4080 Topics in Psychologyvar
PSY4750 Judgment and Decision Making
SS2001 Intro to Social Science Research
SS2620 Introduction to Public Policy
SS3200 Archaeology of the Modern World
SS3230 Archaeology of Industry
SS3280 Anthropology of Energy
SS3315 Population and Environment
SS3505 Military History of the U.S.
SS3515 History of American Architecture
SS3621 Non-Profit Management
SS3625 Policy Analysis
SS3630 Environmental Policy & Politics
SS3650 Intellectual Property Management
SS3755 Sustainability and the Private Sector
SS3801 Science, Technology, & Society
SS3815 Energy and Society
SS3990 Topics in the Social Sciencesvar
SS4009 Survey Methods
SS4120 Sustainable Development
SS4230 Archaeological Analysis and Interpretation
SS4313 Sustainability Science
SS4390 Seminar in Sustainability
SS4400 Enviromental Sociology
SS4554 Global Industrial History
SS4995 Topics in the Social Sciencesvar
THEA1110 Entertainment Technology I
THEA1120 Lighting Technology I
THEA1130 Costume Technology I
THEA3340 Scenic Design

Essential Education Experience (3000-4000 level)

Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
ART3190 Art, Nature, and Contemplative Photography
ART3900 Study Away: Regional Arts Immersionvar
ART3950 International Arts Immersionvar
ENG4070 Peer Mentoring Practicum
FW3114 Reading the Forest
FW3760 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Stewardship
HON4070 Leadership Practicumvar
HU3000 Humanities Experience: Community-engaged learning
HU3289 HU Experience: German Abroad
HU3298 Experience Spanish Language & Culture through Teaching
HU3299 Exploring a Hispanic City by Analyzing its Film Production
HU3370 The Documentary Experience
HU3621 HU Experience in Journalism
HU3703 HU Experience in Environmental Philosophy
HU3810 HU Experience in Technology & Critical Making
HU4041 HU Experience in Communication for Sustainability
IS3002 International Studies in situ - Social & Behavioral Sciencevar
MUS3700 Visual and Performing Arts Tourvar
SS3090 UPERSSvar
SS3210 Field Archaeologyvar
SS3541 The Copper Country
SS3626 STEM Policy Lab at MTU
SS3760 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Stewardship
SS3913 Sustainable Living Practicumvar
SS3915 Experiencing Museums
SS3960 Cultural Immersion var
SS4050 Advanced GIS Methods
SS4530 Deindustrialization and the Urban Enviornment
SS4551 Industrial Communities
SS4700 Communities and Research
SS4915 Effective Social Action: Supporting Local Justice, Policy and Cultural Initiatives
SS4920 Internship Experiencevar
SS4921 Washington Experience Seminar var
SS4922 Washington Experience Topicsvar
THEA4190 Directing for Theatre
UN3013 Interdisciplinary Experiencevar