Essential Education Experience

Essential Education Experiences (E3s) are upper-division courses meant to help prepare our students for an ever-changing, dynamic, and diverse world. An E3 is a 3-credit course that increases social awareness, global understandings, and/or cultural competencies through hands-on learning. The goal of an E3 is for students to move beyond their own viewpoint and learn from multiple perspectives, applying their Essential Abilities toward a project or activity that engages with a community in a meaningful way.

Students have three different options for meeting the Essential Education Experience requirement:

  1. Courses from SHAPE* disciplines with a significant civic engagement or service learning component.
  2. Planned student experiences, such as some faculty-led study away programs.
  3. A curricular course that leverages the student's extracurricular experiences, leadership roles, or other philanthropic activities. The course provides a curricular framework in developing cultural competency and skill in community-based collaborations to support the student-driven experience. Student projects will need to be pre-approved for these courses to ensure they meet E3 requirements.

* SHAPE: Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts for People and the Environment/Economy 

The Essential Education Experience is intended as a culminating or near-culminating curricular element, requiring that students first complete at least three requirements in the Pathway. Students will reflect on how they are using the Essential Abilities they have developed throughout their Essential Education program engagement, providing students practice in using these transferable skills successfully in widely diverse situations and settings.

Essential Education Experience

Required: 3 credits

Course Number Course Title Category Credits
ART3190 Art, Nature, and Contemplative Photography
ART3900 Study Away: Regional Arts Immersionvar
ART3950 International Arts Immersionvar
ENG4070 Peer Mentoring Practicum
FW3114 Reading the Forest
FW3760 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Stewardship
HON4070 Leadership Practicumvar
HU3000 Humanities Experience: Community-engaged learning
HU3289 HU Experience: German Abroad
HU3298 Experience Spanish Language & Culture through Teaching
HU3299 Exploring a Hispanic City by Analyzing its Film Production
HU3370 The Documentary Experience
HU3621 HU Experience in Journalism
HU3703 HU Experience in Environmental Philosophy
HU3810 HU Experience in Technology & Critical Making
HU4041 HU Experience in Communication for Sustainability
IS3002 International Studies in situ - Social & Behavioral Sciencevar
MUS3700 Visual and Performing Arts Tourvar
SS3090 UPERSSvar
SS3210 Field Archaeologyvar
SS3541 The Copper Country
SS3626 STEM Policy Lab at MTU
SS3760 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Stewardship
SS3913 Sustainable Living Practicumvar
SS3915 Experiencing Museums
SS3960 Cultural Immersion var
SS4050 Advanced GIS Methods
SS4530 Deindustrialization and the Urban Enviornment
SS4551 Industrial Communities
SS4700 Communities and Research
SS4915 Effective Social Action: Supporting Local Justice, Policy and Cultural Initiatives
SS4920 Internship Experiencevar
SS4921 Washington Experience Seminar var
SS4922 Washington Experience Topicsvar
THEA4190 Directing for Theatre
UN3013 Interdisciplinary Experiencevar