|February 15, 2023|Theme: Viewing our Universe through the Gamma-Ray Window|
Distinguished Professor Dr. Petra Huentemeyer
Viewing our Universe through the Gamma-Ray Window
Research Statement
Significant advancements in electronics, computing, and communication technology have led to remarkable improvements in the sensitivity and image resolution of sky surveys using ground-based gamma-ray detector arrays. This has led to groundbreaking, sometimes paradigm shifting discoveries in astrophysics, and unprecedented tests of fundamental laws of physics governing our Universe at the extremes. Among the goals of the research involving the observation of gamma-rays from space are tackling fundamental questions such as the location and nature of dark matter and testing the limits of invariance that is required by special relativity. To this end we are planning to build a next-generation gamma-ray observatory in the Southern Hemisphere, with an unprecedented view of the Galactic Center. I will describe the research & design, and other preparations going into constructing such a facility, and how sufficient funding support can only be secured through an international collaboration of science communities across the globe.