Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC)

Researchers drop an underwater probe off of a boat.


The mission of the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) is to be a leader in interdisciplinary aquatic science and engineering focused on the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin in its entirety through excellence in research education and outreach.

The vision of the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) is to become a world-class institute in interdisciplinary aquatic sciences, policy, engineering, and technology. We will develop unparalleled strength and expertise in four core areas: aquatic ecology and ecosystem dynamics, marine engineering and technology, aquatic resources and human dimensions, and education and outreach. Research at the GLRC will not only advance our knowledge in these four areas of focus but will also inform resource managers and the general public, enabling them to advance the sustainable use of freshwater resources.

Visit the GLRC website to learn more!