Sponsored Programs

Kelly Kallio
- Senior Assistant Vice President, Sponsored Programs
- kmkallio@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202D
- Administration of sponsored research agreements, including negotiation practices, proposal and award processes, contract language, and post-award financial activities

Sabra Stipe
- Assistant Vice President, Sponsored Programs Pre-Award
- sbstipe@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Remote
- Administration of sponsored research agreements, including negotiation practices, proposal and award processes, contract language, and post-award financial activities

Jennifer Bukovich
- Assistant Director, Grants & Contracts
- jlbukovi@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202E
- Administration of sponsored research agreements, including negotiation practices, award processes, and contract language
- Review, interpret, and negotiate agreement terms and conditions for sponsored agreements
- Post-award support (eg. time extensions, changes in principal investigator, budget modifications, changes in scope, etc., excluding accounting functions)

Hilary Anderson
- Senior Subaward Analyst
- hilarya@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202A
- Create, negotiate, and administer sub-awards

Kelsey Kocher
- Senior Pre-Award Analyst
- kekocher@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202I
- Develop, review, and approve budgets and proposals prior to submission
- Assist Student Design program leaders with proposal development

Randy Laurn
- Senior Grants & Contracts Analyst
- rmlaurn@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202G
- Review, interpret, and negotiate agreement terms and conditions for sponsored agreements
- Post-award support (e.g. time extension, changes in principal investigator, budget modifications, changes in scope, etc., excluding accounting functions)

Sherri Peters
- Senior Pre-Award Analyst
- sapeters@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Remote
- Develop, review, and approve budgets and proposals prior to submission

Stephanie LeMay
- Grants & Contracts Analyst
- sllemay@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202B
- Review, interpret, and negotiate agreement terms and conditions for sponsored agreements
- Post-award support (e.g. time extension, changes in principal investigator, budget modifications, changes in scope, etc., excluding accounting functions)

Anna Walls
- Pre-Award Associate Analyst
- amwalls@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 202M
- Develop, review, and approve budgets and proposals prior to submission

Karen Foltz
- Senior Administrative Aide
- ksfoltz@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 320D5

Xuhong Liu
- Pre-Award Associate
- xliu4@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Lakeshore Center 320D3
- Develop, review, and approve budgets and proposals prior to submission

Nastassja Weaver
- Pre-Award Associate
- nweaver1@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2226
- Remote
- Develop, review, and approve budgets and proposals prior to submission