Category | Details |
Name | Michigan Technological University |
Address and Award Notification | Sponsored Programs Office 3rd Floor, Lakeshore Center 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931-1200 Phone: 906-487-2225 Fax: 906-487-2245 |
Carnegie Status |
Research 1 (R1) Institution, (very high research spending and doctorate production) 2/2025 |
County | Houghton |
Congressional District | MI-001 |
Type of Organization | State Government Institution of Higher Education |
Established | 1885 |
Number of employees | 1,700 |
IRS tax exemption | Letter dated 01/18/67 |
Michigan Sales Tax Exemption Number | 38-73-0627K |
Employer Identification Number | 38-6005955 |
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code | 5D970 |
DUNS Contractor | 065453268 |
SAM Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) | GKMSN3DA6P91 |
SAM Expiration | Cage 5D970, 12/09/2025 |
NSF Institutional Code | 0022921000 |
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code | 611310 |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) | 8221 |
Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) Institution Code | 002292 |
DHHS Protection of Human Subjects Number | FWA00005174, expires 1/25/2028 |
DHHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number | D16-00742 (A4486-01), expires 5/31/2026 |
USDA Registration Number | 34-R-0142 |
Radiation Safety NRC Numbers | Contact Environmental Health and Safety at 906-487-2188 |
Michigan Tech Disclosure Statement | Determination by ONR--Current Disclosure Statement (DS-2) |
Facilities & Administrative Cost Rate Agreement | Negotiated with ONR—Current Rate Agreement |
Michigan Tech Financial Summary for Proposals | Quick Facts |
Michigan Tech Audit Statements | Single Audit Statements Annual Financial Reports |
Cognizant Agency |
Office of Naval Research email: |
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) | Chicago Branch Office 635 Butterfield Rd Suite 210 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181-4041 DoDAAC: HAA643 Phone: 630-268-4700 Fax: 630-268-8895 Email: |
Authorized Signatory | Andrew Barnard, Vice President for Research, 906-487-3043 |