Cayuse Roles

These are descriptions of the various security roles with the Cayuse system. 

Cayuse Role Descriptions
Cayuse Module Role Name Description Notes Additional User Information
Sponsored Programs SP User • Create proposals
• Create tasks
May only view or edit proposals where they have been listed on the Research Team. All active faculty and staff are automatically granted this role.
Sponsored Programs SP Proposal Viewer • View proposals
• Create proposals
• Create tasks
Read only access to Proposals, can see all Proposals and Proposal content for a specific department / unit. Example: Department coordinator who does not have authority to approve proposals to be submitted on behalf of the department / unit,
Sponsored Programs SP Proposal Reviewer • View proposals
• Create proposals
• Add/edit notes
• Add attachments
• Create tasks

May only view and review proposals that have been assigned to the for review.  Approves Proposals for a specific department / unit.

It is recommended that each department / unit have at least two people assigned to this role.

Example: Department Chair or Supervisor with authority to approve proposals to be submitted on behalf of the department / unit.
Sponsored Programs SP Award Viewer • View awards
• Create proposals
• Create tasks
Read-only access to Awards, can see all Awards and Award content for a specific department / unit. Example: Department Chair, Department coordinator or Department Supervisor with authority to approve proposal on behalf of the department / unit.
Proposals S2S Cayuse 424 Base User A Base Level User can be assigned any of the following permissions:

Create, open, and edit a proposal
Delete proposals
View list of proposals
Change permissions for access to the proposal
Add/remove users
Upload attachments
Print Proposal
Submit Proposal

Proposals S2S Cayuse 424 Read Only Reviewer

When proposals are in development:
• Read, view, create, add/edit notes, and add attachments

When proposals are in all other statuses:
• Read, view, create, review, add/edit notes
• Add attachments
• Add/respond/resolve/delete comments

Proposals S2S Cayuse 424 Sys Admin

When proposals are in development:
• Read, view, create proposals
• Update access form 
• Manage resolutions/certifications
• Add/edit notes
• Add attachments
• Link proposal to 424/IRB study/IACUC study/COI disclosure
• Add/respond/resolve/delete comments to proposals 

When proposals are in other statuses:
• Read, view and create
• Update access form

  Reserved for applicable VPR staff only.
Admin  RS Admin Administrator

Global superuser with all administrative permissions

Responsible for managing People, Units, and External Organizations as well as all settings in the Admin Module. This is the highest level of access an Administrator can have. Reserved for applicable VPR staff only.
Admin  RS Admin Viewer

View various user group and team information in read-only format

Full read-only access to the Admin Module.  Can view all content with People, Units, and External Organizations. Reserved for applicable VPR staff only.
Sponsored Programs SP Award Administrator

• View/edit awards
• Create awards
• Create proposals
• Add/edit notes
• Add attachments
• Link integration records
• Create tasks

Responsible for administering awards within the central office or a specific unit.  Has full edit access to all awards records in SP module. Reserved for applicable VPR staff only.
Sponsored Programs SP Proposal Administrator

• View/edit awards
• Create awards
• Create proposals
• Add/edit notes
• Add attachments
• Link integration records
• Create tasks

All other permissions are inherited through other means on a per record basis (i.e. targeted by a review rule, added to research team, etc)

Reserved for applicable VPR staff only.