Disclosure of actual or perceived conflicts of interest (COI) associated with externally sponsored projects is required under University and sponsoring agency policies as well as federal law. This module will facilitate an individual’s certification relative to disclosure of conflicts during the sponsored project proposal submission process.
A COI exists when a principal investigator (PI), co-PI, investigator or any of their spouses or dependent children have an actual or perceived financial or reputational interest in the outcome of the project, or have received any financial remuneration from the project sponsor outside of the proposed project budget. Anyone with a COI will be required to disclose the individual or organization that is the source of the conflict within Cayuse when the proposal is being prepared for submission. A full disclosure and handling of the conflict will be managed outside of Cayuse by staff within VPR and Michigan Tech’s COI coordinator.
The Outside Interests module is easy to use and is integrated within the Cayuse research suite for a “one-stop shop” approach.
The process for recording COI certifications within Cayuse includes:
- A project-based COI disclosure certification form will be auto-created for each individual listed in the Personnel section when a proposal is en route for review in Cayuse.
- An email will be generated and sent to everyone listed in the Personnel section, prompting their action to complete the certification.
- Sponsored project team members will follow the email link to the project-based disclosure certification required to be completed. Alternatively, the team member can select “My Profile” under their name at the top right of the Cayuse window and then select “COI Disclosures” to complete the appropriate certification.
These features will not impact the process for disclosures of COIs that are not related to sponsored projects, but will benefit those seeking external funding by reducing administrative effort and improving overall efficiencies while maintaining compliance with relevant policies and laws.