Signing a Housing Contract
The on campus residential experience plays a critical role in ensuring our student’s
success. It allows students to learn skills related to independent and communal living,
establish a strong social network, and connect with multiple support resources available
that gives them the foundation to succeed. With this as the guiding principle, all
MTU first year students are required to live on campus to maximize their success.
The housing application for new undergraduate students goes live on January 15 by
way of our HuskyHouse Housing portal (yellow button above).
All students living in the residence halls are required to have a qualifying residential
meal plan to ensure that students have the necessary nutritional support during the
academic year. Learn more on our Residential Dining website.
We strongly recommend all new and transfer students complete a housing contract by
June 1 to ensure an optimized placement and receive their assignment in July. Students can apply after this date, but placement will be on a space available basis
and assignments won't be available until August. Transfer students must complete a Housing contract by June 1.
Completing Your Roommate Profile (Starting March 5)
Once you have signed your contract in HuskyHouse and successfully guaranteed yourself
on-campus housing, the next most important step is to put together your profile and roommate preferences
so you can begin to connect with fellow Huskies. New students can begin completing
their Roommate Profiles on March 5 and can make changes through June 1.
This information helps us optimize your assignment preferences and is a necessary
step to participate in Roommate Matching. The information you provide will be available
to other incoming Huskies, and will assist you and others in identifying an ideal
roommate! If you don't select a roommate, this information will help us to help us
match your preferences to a roommate during the auto assignment process.
Roommate Matching and Assignments
New students do not select their specific room but do have the opportunity to select
their roommate. Online roommate matching for new students is available from March
5 - June 1 for the upcoming Fall semester.
Matched roommates are the first to be assigned to a room, so be sure to participate
in the Roommate Matching process! Here are some items to consider when matching with
a roommate:
- You don't have to be best friends. If you're looking to be BFFs, say that now so you
all know if you're on the same page!
- You may be into really different things but make great roommates because you have
similar habits.
- Be honest about your habits!
Assignment Notification
The characteristics of each community are the most important ingredients to consider
when finding your place in your new campus home. To ensure students have the most
optimal residential experience, we prioritize our assignment process to match students
with the unique characteristics of our various residential communities.
When you review your assignment information in HuskyHouse, you will see the following:
- Building and room assignment
- Room type
- Name(s) of your roommate(s).
For further information, see the current room-and-board rates and the Accounting department.
Frequently Asked Questions
Signing a Housing Contract Frequently Asked Questions
I have an accommodation need to live on campus. How do I go about requesting this?
If you believe that you have a housing request that relates to a physical, psychological,
or medical condition, please contact Student Disability Services (SDS) to request a housing accommodation.
Roommate Matching Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the Roommate Matching process open?
Roommate Matching opened on March 5 and closes on June 1.
When do I get my housing assignment?
Students who signed a Housing contract prior to June 1 will receive their housing
assignment by July 1. Students who signed a Housing contract after June 1 will receive
their housing assignment by August 1. Room assignment details will be available in
the HuskyHouse portal.
Will I be able to make a change to my roommate pairing?
Yes. If your roommate arrangements change you will be able to alter the arrangement
up until June 1.
If I connect with a new roommate during summer orientation, can I request them as
a roommate?
For students who apply on or before June 1, we will be near finalized with the assignment
process and it will not be possible to make changes or accept requests. For students
who apply after June 1 and find a roommate possibility during summer orientation,
we are always willing to explore based on space availability. Please note that any
student who has an assignment from the pre June 1 applicants cannot request a re-assignment
to a new roommate.
Can I choose to live off-campus during my first year at Michigan Tech?
All first-year students, other than transfer or commuting students living with a parent/guardian,
must live on campus during their first year. Students receiving a Leading Scholar
Award, National Scholars Program Award, or Presidential Scholars Program Award are
required to live on campus for their first two years. Many students choose to live
on campus for more than one year.
I was accepted into the Pavlis Living and Learning Community. What should I expect
during roommate matching/room assignment?
You will be able to choose a roommate from other Pavlis LLC members. You will be assigned a room on the ground floor of Wadsworth Hall or West McNair
Hall, where you will be living among other Pavlis community members who have similar
goals of getting the most out of their MTU experience.
What is Mixed Gender housing and who can apply?
The purpose of Mixed Gender Housing is to provide a safe and welcoming living environment to all students. Mixed Gender
Housing is a community where students can live together in a safe and welcoming environment
regardless of gender identity or gender expression. All students who are eligible
to live in the residence halls can choose to live in Mixed Gender Housing. Please
keep in mind that Mixed Gender Housing may be limited depending on demand. If you
have a need to live in Mixed Gender Housing, please indicate this on your application
or email us at housing@mtu.edu.
I want to make a change to my roommate profile. How do I do this?
You can make changes to your Roommate Profile information until Roommate Matching
closes on June 1.
Room Assignment Frequently Asked Questions
When and where will I be able to view my room assignment?
If you matched with a roommate before June 1, your room assignment will be visible in HuskyHouse by July 1. If you did not match with a roommate before the June 1 deadline, you will
be able to review your roommate and room assignment in HuskyHouse on August 1.
When will I know who my roommate is?
Your roommate will be listed as part of your room assignment on HuskyHouse by July 1 or August 1, depending on if you matched with a roommate during the Roommate
Matching process or were auto-assigned.
How do I get to know my roommate before I move in?
Your roommate’s Michigan Tech email address will be visible to you in HuskyHouse by
July 1 or August 1, depending on if you matched with a roommate during the Roommate
Matching process or were auto-assigned. We recommend emailing them from your MTU email
address as a starting point to get to know them.
What if I email my roommate and they don’t respond? Can Housing put me in contact
with them some other way?
Unfortunately for privacy reasons we cannot share private contact information for
students aside from sharing your roommate’s email address with you. Many students
check their email infrequently over the summer. We recommend being patient, as they
may respond at a later date.
My roommate seems very different from me, and I don’t think we are compatible. What
should I do?
Part of the growth and learning of a college experience is learning from, and learning
to cohabitate with, people who come from a variety of backgrounds. We encourage you
to allow some time for you and your roommate to get to know each other. If a couple
of weeks after move-in you still do not feel comfortable living with your assigned
roommate, reach out to your RA for assistance.
I see two roommates listed under my housing assignment. What does this mean?
While it is not common, we do occasionally need to assign new students to a three person room. If you see
two roommates listed under your housing assignment, it means we have placed you in
a three person space. This usually happens due to a high housing demand, and we are
often able to split up groups of three a few weeks into the first semester as some
students choose not to continue at Michigan Tech and more spaces become available.
Please feel free to email housing@mtu.edu if you see two roommates under your assignment and have further questions.
Can I request a room change?
No room changes cannot be considered until after the first couple of weeks of the
start of the semester. If you have an accommodation request, we encourage you to reach
out to Student Disability Services to see if an accommodation can be considered.