Students walking on campus with the words 'Returning Student Contract Renewal' behind them.

2025-2026 Residence Hall Contract Renewal for Current Students

We are delighted to invite our students to join our residential Husky community for the 2025-26 academic year!

Contract Renewal for 2025-2026 housing will work like this:

  • ALL returning students who want to live on campus are invited to participate.
  • Current residence hall students will receive early access to the contract starting on January 27. Students who currently reside off-campus can complete a contract starting on February 3. Roommate Matching also goes live at this time for students who have completed a Housing contract.
  • There is no credit hour limit that will restrict renewing your contract for housing.
  • Phase One of the Contract Renewal process will close on February 13 or once we have reached capacity, whichever comes first. Only students who complete a contract during Phase One will be able to participate in the roommate and room selection phases. 
  • Please read the complete timeline below for more information regarding each phase of the process. For more guidance on how to prepare for campus housing, check out our Prepping for 25-26 Housing webpage.

This is an important housing and financial commitment, as such before proceeding please remember these three critical points:

  1. A University housing contract binds you to living on campus next year. If you are receiving support through loans, grants, scholarships, parental support or other means, please discuss your housing plans with the appropriate people before you sign any housing contract.
  2. The 2025-26 residence hall room and meal plan rates have been approved for East Hall ONLY at this time. Remaining residence hall room and meal plan rates will be approved by the Board of Trustees in February. When available, they will be published on our Housing Rates webpage. 
  3. A meal plan is required and conjoined with the residence hall agreement. Please refer to our Residential Dining page for meal plan options.

Phase One: Signing the Contract

During Phase One, guaranteeing your campus housing requires these quick two steps:

  • Log into your HuskyHouse account
  • Sign the Housing contract

At this point, your housing is secured on campus for next year.

Be sure to connect with people you want to room with to ensure they have also signed a contract.  If they do not sign a contract you will not be able to select them as a roommate in the next phase. 

Remember, this phase will close on February 13, or when we reach capacity, whichever happens first.

Phase one of the HuskyHouse Trailmap

Phase Two: Roommate Matching (January 27-March 5)

Phase two of the HuskyHouse trail map

During the contract commitment process, students can select a roommate(s) or search for potential roommates starting on January 27 through March 5 once they have signed their contract. All students must complete a roommate profile in order to match with a roommate.This will help students identify a roommate(s) or be matched with a roommate during the auto-assign process. This also helps Housing staff with placement in the event that you lose a roommate to co-op, transfer, etc.

Students who do not join a roommate group or cannot fill a room completely will be assigned with another student(s) who did not select a roommate based on the information provided in your HuskyHouse profile. Roommates are limited to students who have a housing contract for 2025-2026. One student cannot be pulled into the process by another.

The majority of Hillside Place and East Hall require groups of four to select rooms in those buildings. Plan ahead and find your group of four before roommate matching closes. 

Can’t find the person you are looking for to add to your roommate group? They may not have signed a contract. Roommates are limited to students who have a housing contract for 2025-2026.

Phase Three: Room Selection (March 11-March 21)

Those who participated in the Roommate Matching phase are able to participate in the Room Selection phase. The room selection period opens on March 11-March 21 and is reserved for roommate groups ONLY. Roommate groups can select a room that matches their group configuration (size/gender preferences) during this time.

Groups must fill the full capacity of a room in order to select it. Unmatched students, partial groups, and roommate groups that do not select a room will not receive an assignment until the auto-assign phase. 

In order to select a room within a specialized or learning community during Room Selection, all members of a roommate group must note their preference within their Roommate Profile.

Phase Three of HuskyHouse trail map

Room Selection Priority

Students will be able to begin selecting a room through a tiered process based on the average number of credit hours of their roommate group as of the end of the Fall 2024 semester. The time students can begin selecting a room each day will be based on when students signed their contracts. Priority will be given to those who sign their contracts early. Room Selection priority groups are as follows:

  • 90+ credits: March 11
  • 60-89 credits: March 12
  • 30-59 credits: March 13
  • 0-29 credits: March 14

Students will be able to view their room selection date and time in their HuskyHouse portal after the roommate matching phase is completed.

Phase Four: Auto-Assign Unmatched Students (May 1)

Phase four of HuskyHouse trail map

Students with an active Housing contract for 2025-26 who did not select roommates and/or rooms during the prior phases will still be guaranteed a space in campus Housing. All unassigned students with contracts will be placed in rooms through an auto-assign process by May 1. We strongly encourage all students with Housing contracts to complete their Roommate Profile to best assist us in the auto-assign process.

All students who completed a contract will receive an assignment regardless of whether they participated in the Roommate Matching phase and will be committed to the 2025-26 housing contract.

NOTE: Student room and community preferences cannot be guaranteed

Current Flex Housing and Off-Campus Residents are Eligible.

All students, regardless of whether or not they have a current residence hall contract or not, can participate in Contract Renewal for the 2025-26 academic year! This includes students who are currently participating in the Flex Housing program this year and students who currently reside in off-campus housing.

Daniell Heights will discontinue Flex housing after this year and restore minimum qualifications to live in the campus apartments. We will be converting the current Flex housing solution back to standard apartments for the 2025-2026 academic year. Additionally, the minimum requirements to live in Daniell Heights will be restored. To learn more about Daniell Heights requirements, you can review our Daniell Heights website.

Students with a Housing Accommodation:

We recognize many students have unique needs that may require them to secure campus housing. If you believe you have a need for housing accommodation, we strongly recommend students coordinate with Student Disability Services or any other necessary entity as needed NOW to receive consideration and ensure there are no delays to your contract renewal and room selection process. Those who are approved will be given priority on a space available basis.

The accommodation process can take time and often requires documentation from a medical professional. So don’t delay in contacting Student Disability Services or any other necessary entity if you need to.

If you have a current housing accommodation you will need to renew it through Student Disability Services prior to room selection for priority consideration.

It is a student’s responsibility to make sure they complete the necessary information in a timely manner to secure housing during the timelines provided.  If capacity is reached before an accommodation is granted, students will be able to sign up for the waitlist.

Returning Student Housing Frequently Asked Questions

East Hall and Hillside Room Selection FAQs