Students studying in library

Residence Hall Theme Communities

What are Theme Communities?

Theme Communities are living areas in the residence halls where groups of students with similar interests choose to live, study, and experience Michigan Tech together. The goal of these areas is to help you grow and succeed at Michigan Tech, both inside and outside the classroom.

Michigan Tech offers five Theme Communities:

Basic Requirements of Theme Community Members:

  • Be open and willing to meet new people, learn new things, and have a great time at Michigan Tech.
  • You will be enrolled in and will complete a one credit Creating Your Success (UN1010) course in the fall semester with other theme community students.
    Creating Your Success (UN1010) is a first-year seminar for members of residential theme communities. The course seeks to build community among students and provide an introduction for creating academic, professional, and personal success. This course is required for all first year students and transfer students (with fewer than 30 credits) living in residential theme communities. The course counts as a free elective.
  • Pay a $30.00 per semester fee to support additional programming and activities.